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UNSD / UNESCAP Workshop on the Methodology and Data Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2 - 5 February 2010

Agenda Items

Lao, PDR        
Download all presentations including additional materials

List of Documents

ESA/STAT/AC.210.1 - List of documents
ESA/STAT/AC.210.2 - Agenda
ESA/STAT/AC.210.3 - List of Participants
ESA/STAT/AC.210.4 - Opening Statement by UNSD Director
ESA/STAT/AC.210.5 - Workshop Report

Agenda Items

Item 5: UNSD activities in the field of International Trade Statistics
Item 6: ESCAP activities in the field of International Trade Statistics
Item 7: ASEAN activities in the field of International Trade Statistics
Item 8: Revision of the international recommendations for IMTS (IMTS2010)
Item 9: Results of Initial Assessment Questionnaire of National Practices on IMTS
Compilation and Dissemination
Item 10: General Presentation Session I
Item 11: General Presentation Session II
Item 12: Data Compilation Strategies
Item 13: Data Quality Assurance
Item 14: Data Quality at NSO
Item 15: Scope and time of recording
Item 16: Trade system & Mode of transport
Item 17: Commodity classification and quantity measurement
Item 18: Valuation
Item 19: Partner Country
Item 20: UN Comtrade
Item 21: Metadata and Data dissemination
Item 22: Supplementary Topics
