Statistics of International Trade
in Services and Tourism
Trade in Services has grown, year after year, in importance in the world economy. Consequently, the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) became more concerned about the adequate measurement of statistics of international trade in services (SITS). SITS became a separate Section in 2008 at the Trade Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) dealing with statistics of international trade in services and tourism statistics. |
The principal objectives for UNSD in this area are
(i) maintaining UN ServiceTrade database, a world-wide database on statistics of international trade in services,
(ii) maintaining a database of country practices in the compilation and dissemination of SITS, and
(iii) the further development of the methodology of SITS together with the other members of the Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services (TFSITS).
Further information can be found in the brochure on International Trade in Services and Tourism prepared for the UN Statistical Commission. |
News |
To access the database, register here
MSITS 2010 is now available! |