UNSD / ESCAP Workshop for Developing Countries on the Revision of the International Recommendations
for International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)
Bangkok, Thailand, 9-12 September 2008
Download all presentations including additional materials
List of Documents
ESA/STAT/AC.164.2 - Final Agenda
ESA/STAT/AC.164.3 - List of Participants
ESA/STAT/AC.164.5 - Workshop Report
Agenda Items
Item 4: UNSD activities in the field of International Trade Statistics
Item 5: Use of merchandise statistics for informed-trade policy making
Item 6: Need for revision of IMTS, Rev. 2; Outline and status of the revision process
Item 7: Coverage - 1st session
Item 8: Coverage - 2nd session
Item 9: Coverage - Trade System
Item 10: Commodity classification and quantity measurement
Item 11: Mode of transport
Item 12: Valuation
Item 13: Partner country
Item 14: Data sources
Item 15: Institutional arrangements
Item 16: Data quality and metadata
Item 17: Data dissemination
Item 18: Supplementary topics