The Global Conference on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics is organized jointly by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat). The conference seeks to formulate an adequate response to the increased demand for detailed and timely data to monitor progress on the goals and targets of the post-2015 development agenda. These goals and targets are universal in the sense that they concern all UN member states, but they are specific at the same time in the way they are formulated at sub-national, national and regional levels. These new demands require a more efficiently functioning national statistical system. This Conference is organized as a High-Level Forum of official statisticians with the purpose to seek a broad consensus on the strategic framework for statistics for the consideration of the 46th Session of the Statistical Commission in March 2015.
For more detailed information, please see the Concept Note.
For information on the Regional conference in Gabon, please click here.
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Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director, UNSD and
Ms. Mariana Kotzeva, Deputy Director General, Eurostat
Objectives and working methods of the conference
Facilitator: Mr. Pieter Everaers, Eurostat
Questions: How can we better coordinate the statistical programmes developed by international organisations that link the political agendas and reporting obligations? How do we assess the coherence of existing global statistical programmes, including taking into account the tentative list of goals, targets and indicators for sustainable development? Given the limited resources available at national and international levels, how can we join forces to experiment new approaches and exploit economies of scale?
Discussion document #1:
Towards a comprehensive global policy agenda: what does it mean for statistics (pdf)
Towards a comprehensive global policy agenda: what does it mean for statistics (ppt)
Facilitator: Ms. Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat
Questions: How can we come together to harness the innovative and transformational power of ICT for official statistics? How can we collaborate in an effective manner to ensure that we establish a consistent set of principles and standards for use in modernising official statistics and our national statistical systems and who is going to take ownership of these principles and standards and its global communication of “branding messages” within the statistical community at the global level?
Discussion document #2:
Modernisation: Evolution or revolution (pdf)
Modernisation: Evolution or revolution (ppt)
Facilitator: Mr. Ivo Havinga, UNSD
Questions: How do we move towards an integrated system of official statistics for the post-2015 development agenda? Does the multitude of external and internal challenges lead to a need for the evaluation of the national business and information architecture and its statistical production processes? Are the strategic directions of the proposed national programs on integrated statistics shared? Do the expected benefits of proposed national programs on integrated household and business statistics outweigh the investments in national statistical systems for the post-2015 development agenda?
Discussion document #3:
Towards an Integrated Statistics Programme for the post-2015 development agenda (pdf)
Towards an Integrated Statistics Programme for the post-2015 development agenda (ppt)
Facilitator: Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, UNSD
Questions: What are the means of implementation for transitioning from the existing to modern national statistical systems to meet the data requirements for the post-2015 development agenda? What global, regional and national coordination mechanisms can be put in place for the post-2015 development agenda? How can we better coordinate our partnerships and capacity building activities?
Discussion document #4:
Means of implementation for the post-2015 development agenda (pdf)
Means of implementation for the post-2015 development agenda (ppt)
Facilitators: Mr. Stefan Schweinfest and Ms. Mariana Kotzeva
Objective: Recommendations and way forward for a strategic framework for statistics in support of the post-2015 development agenda.