Industrial Statistics

In the area of industrial statistics, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is engaged in the collection and dissemination of data on the production of major industrial commodities, both in physical quantities and in monetary value. Data are mainly collected through a questionnaire sent yearly to national statistical offices. The commodities are classified according to the List of Industrial Products.


Data on industrial commodity production are available in the following ways:

Data for the recent ten-year period are published in the latest edition of the Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook;
Production data for selected commodities, as well as import and export data, are published in the Industrial Commodity Statistics Pocketbook 2018;
Complete annual data series, including historical data, are available in the Industrial Commodity Production Statistics Database;
The Industrial Commodity Production Statistics Database is partially available on the website UN Data;
Monthly production data for certain commodities are available on the website for Monthly Bulletin of Statistics;
Statistics of overall industrial growth, detailed data on business structure and statistics on major indicators of industrial performance by country in the historical time series are available from UNIDO statistical databases.


The United Nations has published methodological guidelines for industrial statistics in the International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics 2008, as well as guidelines for the calculation of industrial production index numbers in the International Recommendations for the Index of Industrial Production 2010.