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  February 2016

Energy Statistics Yearbook

The 2013 Energy Statistics Yearbook is the fifty-seventh issue in a series of annual compilations of internationally comparable statistics summarizing world energy trends, which commenced under the title World Energy Supplies in Selected Years, 1929-1950. Annual data for more than 225 countries and areas for the period 2010 to 2013 are presented on production, trade and consumption of energy for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, electricity, and heat. Per capita consumption series are also provided for all energy products. Graphs are included to illustrate historic trends and/or changes in composition of production and/or consumption of major energy products. Special tables of interest include: international trade tables for coal, crude oil and natural gas by partner countries; selected series of statistics on renewables and wastes; refinery distillation capacity; and a table on selected energy resources.

The Energy Statistics Yearbook is available in printed and electronic (PDF format) versions.



2013 Energy Statistics YearbookPDF size

Table of contents 241KB
Introduction 75KB
Abbreviations and symbols 47KB
Definitions 167KB
General notes 91KB
Country notes 122KB
Units of measurement and conversions 65KB
Conversion factors
I.Net calorific values of energy products 136KB
II.Selected conversion factors for crude oil and oil products 75KB
Summary Tables
1.Total energy supply — Petajoules 146KB
2.Components of total energy supply — Petajoules and Gigajoules per capita 281KB
3.Total final consumption and its components — Petajoules and Gigajoules per capita 209KB
Solid fuels
4.Production, trade and supply of coal — thousand tons of coal equivalent 171KB
5.Production, trade and supply of hard coal 171KB
6.International trade of hard coal (principal importers and exporters), 2012 and 2013 63KB
7.Production, trade and supply of brown coal and oil shale 150KB
8.Production, trade and supply of coke 149KB
9.Production, trade and supply of patent fuel 120KB
10.Production, trade and supply of brown coal briquettes and peat products 126KB
11.Production, trade and supply of peat 131KB
12.Production of biofuels and wastes 270KB
Liquid fuels
13.Production, trade and supply of conventional crude oil 195KB
14.Production of additives and other hydrocarbons 127KB
15.International trade of conventional crude oil
(principal importers and exporters), 2012 and 2013
16.Refinery distillation capacity, throughput and output 160KB
17.Production, trade and supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 198KB
18.Production, trade and supply of motor gasoline 207KB
19.Production, trade and supply of other kerosene 182KB
20.Production, trade and supply of jet fuels 203KB
21.Production, trade and supply of Gas oil/diesel oil 217KB
22.Production, trade and supply of fuel oil 203KB
23.Production of minor oil products from refineries — by type 165KB
24.Production of oil products from refineries — by type 193KB
25.Production, trade and supply of oil products 215KB
26.Production of natural gas liquids — by end use 149KB
Gaseous fuels
27.Production, trade and supply of natural gas 178KB
28.International trade of natural gas (principal importers and exporters), 2012 and 2013 63KB
29.Production of manufactured and recovered gases — by type 141KB
Electricity and heat
30.Net installed capacity of electricity plants — by type 283KB
31.Utilization of installed electricity capacity — by type 275KB
32.Production of electricity — by type 314KB
33.Electricity supply and consumption 231KB
34.Production of heat — by type 153KB
Nuclear fuels
35.Production of uranium (uranium content) 121KB
Energy resources
36.Selected energy resources and reserves 148KB