
International Workshop on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators

26 - 29 JUNE 2018   Beijing

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), along with the National Bureau of Statistics of China jointly organized the International Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators in Beijing, 26-28 June 2018. The workshop brought together close to 80 participants from 19 countries in the Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe and Latin-America regions, along with experts from UN-ESCAP, SIAP, UNICEF, FAO, and ADB. The workshop focused on various aspects of SDG monitoring at the global, regional and national levels. Participants in the workshop shared their national experiences in SDG monitoring and national SDG data reporting mechanisms and platforms. The workshop also discussed the issues on using household survey data, administrative data and non-traditional data sources for monitoring the SDGs. The workshop concluded with detailed indicator 'clinics' which focused on WASH indicators and agriculture-related SDG indicators.

Main documents

Session 1: Setting the Stage/Global and Regional Context for SDGs

Session 2: National Monitoring of the SDGs: Progress since Launch of SDGs

Session 3: Using Administrative Data for SDG Monitoring

Session 4: Using Household Survey Data for SDG Monitoring

Session 5: National SDG Data Reporting Mechanisms (Including Data Platforms)

Session 6: New Sources of Data for SDG Monitoring

Session 7: Indicator Clinic 1: WASH Indicators in Depth

Session 8: Indicator Clinic 2: FAO Indicators in Depth

Session 9: Conclusion and the Way Forward: Building Statistical Capacity to Advance the 2030 Agenda