Terms agricultural production index agricultural products base period brown coal capital goods cement CIF (Cost, insurance, freight) civil aviation traffic construction construction completed, non-residential consumer goods consumer prices index, all items consumer prices index, food cotton fabrics cotton yarn crude birth rate crude death rate crude oil domestic production domestic supply dwelling earnings (wages and salaries) electricity employment, paid, employee exchange rate exports of goods exports unit value index, all goods exports value, all goods exports volume index, all goods external trade conversion factors ferro-alloys flight stage flight stage, domestic flight stage, international floor area FOB (Free on board) food price index food production index freight loaded freight tonne-kilometres performed freight unloaded fuels hard coal hours of work imported goods prices indices imports of goods imports unit value index, all goods imports value, all goods imports volume index, all goods index number, Laspeyres index of industrial production industrial production industrial products infant deaths intermediate goods iron ore livestock manufacturing mining and quarrying money, quasi-money motor vehicles motor vehicles, new, registration natural gas newsprint non-residential building passenger-kilometres performed pig iron including foundry population, estimate of total population, official mid-year estimates producer price indices raw materials reserve money reserve position in IMF reserves, total international residential building scheduled revenue flights special drawing rights (SDRs) steel, crude tires for motor vehicles trade balance unemployment unit value index wages, earnings wheat flour