3rd Conference
17 August - 7 September, 1977, Athens

- Vol. I Report of the Conference (United Nations Publication E.79.I.7.,1979)
- Vol. II Technical papers (United Nations Publication E/F/S.81.I.7., 1981)
- Provisional agenda
- Rules of procedure
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3
- English
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3/Add.1
- English
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3/Add.2
- English
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3/Add.3
- English
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3/Add.4
- English
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3/Add.5
- English
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3/Add.6
- English
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/3/Add.7
- English
- Documentation for the Conference
- E/CONF.69/INF.1
- English
- Advance information of interest to the participants
- E/CONF.69/INF.2 and Add.1
- English
- List of documents
- List of participants
- E/CONF.69/INF.4
- English
- List of participants
- E/CONF.69/INF.4 Rev. 1
- English
- Establishment of technical committees and election of officers
- E/CONF.69/INF.5
- English | French | Spanish
- Gazetteers - draft resolution
- E/CONF.69/C.I/L.1
- English | French | Spanish
- Glossary of technical terminology - draft resolution submitted by Committee I
- E/CONF.69/C.I/L.2
- English | French | Spanish
- Glossary of technical terminology - draft resolution submitted by Committee I
- E/CONF.69/C.I/L.3
- English | French | Spanish
- Draft report on the work of Committee I
- Format of international gazetteers of countries - draft resolution
- Automated data processing - draft resolution
- Draft report on the work of Committee II
- Names of countries - draft resolution
- List of exonyms - draft resolution
- Study of exonyms - draft resolution
- Maritime feature names - draft resolution
- Extraterrestrial feature names - draft resolution
- Names of features beyond a single sovereignty - draft resolution
- Undersea feature names - draft resolution
- Draft report on the work of Committee III
- Proposal for a resolution on the romanization of Chinese geographical names
- Romanization of Arabic characters - draft resolution
- Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet - draft resolution
- Serbo-Croation and Macedonian Cyrillic alphabets of Yugoslavia - draft resolution
- Transliteration into Roman and Devanagari scripts of the languages of the Indian group - draft resolution
- Draft report on the work of Committee IV
- The romanization of the Hebrew alphabet - draft resolution
- Reliability statement on geographical names in documents - draft resolution
- Divisional activities and meetings - draft resolution
- List of country names - draft resolution
- Aids to pronunciation - draft resolution
- Draft report on the work of Committee V
- A glossary of technical terminology employed in the standardizationn of geographical names, prepared by the Working Group on Definitions of UNGEGN
- E/CONF.69/L.1
- English
- A glossary of technical terminology employed in the standardizationn of geographical names, prepared by the Working Group on Definitions of UNGEGN
- E/CONF.69/L.1/Add.1
- English
- Exónimos
- E/CONF.69/L.2, Submitted by Guatemala
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in French
- Exónimos
- E/CONF.69/L.2/Corr. 1, Submitted by Guatemala
- Spanish
- Autoridades encargadas de la normalización nacional
- E/CONF.69/L.3, Submitted by Guatemala
- Englis/French/ Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Informe del Gobierno de Guatemala
- E/CONF.69/L.4, Submitted by Guatemala
- English/French/ Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Informe del experto de la División de América Latina del Grupo de Expertos de las Naciones Unidas en Nombres Geográficos
- E/CONF.69/L.5, Submitted by Guatemala
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstact in French
- Algunas notas referentes a la geografía humana de Guatemala
- E/CONF.69/L.6, Submitted by Guatemala
- English/French/Spanish| Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Unas pocas anotaciones sobre cartografía y geografía humana
- E/CONF.69/L.7, Submitted by Guatemala
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Sistemas de escritura en idiomas ágrafos en Guatemala
- E/CONF.69/L.8, Submitted by Guatemala
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English
- Report by Austria
- E/CONF.69/L.9, Submitted by Austria
- English | Abstract in French
- Toponymy research at the federal level in Canada
- E/CONF.69/L.10, Submitted by Canada
- English | Abstract in French
- A new Inuit orthography for geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.11, Submitted by Canada
- English | Abstract in French
- Gazetteer production and names processing at the federal level in Canada
- E/CONF.69/L.12, Submitted by Canada
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in French
- Le problème didactique de la réduction des exonymes
- E/CONF.69/L.13, Submitted by Canada
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- The treatment of toponyms in Manitoba from languages without an alphabet
- E/CONF.69/L.14, Submitted by Canada
- English | Abstract in French
- Jurisdiction and the standardization of geographical names in Quebec
- E/CONF.69/L.15, Submitted by Canada
- English | Abstract in French
- The computerization of geographical names: the Quebec
- E/CONF.69/L.16, Submitted by Canada
- English | Abstract in French
- Pratiques courantes dans le traitement de la toponymie sous-
- E/CONF.69/L.17, Submitted by Canada
- French | Abstract in French
- Problems of extraterrestrial topographic feature nomenclature
- E/CONF.69/L.18, Submitted by Soviet Socialist Republic
- English
- Standardization of geographical names in the USSR: work carried out between the Second and Third United Nations Conferences on the Standardization of Geographical Names (1972-1977)
- E/CONF.69/L.19, Submitted by Soviet Socialist Republic
- English
- On the content and form of gazetteers
- E/CONF.69/L.20, Submitted by Soviet Socialist Republic
- English/Russian
- The situation in the project to elaborate a single romanization system for the Cyrillic alphabet for international use
- E/CONF.69/L.21, Submitted by Soviet Socialist Republic
- English
- Dictionary of Russian conventional names for geographical entities of foreign countries
- E/CONF.69/L.22, Submitted by Soviet Socialist Republic
- English
- Romanization
- E/CONF.69/L.23, Submitted by United Kingdom
- English
- Report of the Working Group on Undersea and Maritime Features of UNGEGN
- E/CONF.69/L.24
- English
- Report of the East Central and South East Europe Division
- E/CONF.69/L.25, Submitted by Hungary
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Report of the East Central and South East Europe Division
- E/CONF.69/L.25 Add.1, Submitted by Hungary
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in French
- Report of the East Central and South East Europe Division
- E/CONF.69/L.25 Corr.1, Submitted by Hungary
- English/French/Spanish
- Report of the Hungarian Committee on Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.26, Submitted by Hungary
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- United Nations gazetteers
- E/CONF.69/L.27, Submitted by Hungary
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Comments on the programme of the Working Group on Undersea and Maritime Features of UNGEGN
- E/CONF.69/L.28, Submitted by Hungary
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- List of submarine names on the world map 1:2,500,000
- E/CONF.69/L.29 Submitted by Hungary
- English | Abstract in French
- Les aspects pratiques de la définition du "nom géographique"
- E/CONF.69/L.30, Submitted by Canada
- French | Abstract in French
- La normalisation des noms géographiques: rêve et réalité
- E/CONF.69/L.31, Submitted by Canada
- French | Abstract in French
- Report on the activities of the United States of America-Canada Division
- E/CONF.69/L.32, Submitted by Canada
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in French
- Report of the United States of America on programmes for naming extraterrestrial features
- E/CONF.69/L.33, Submitted by USA
- English | Abstract in French
- Report of the United States of America on programmes for naming undersea features
- E/CONF.69/L.34
- English | Abstract in French
- A programme by the United States of America for the automatic management of geographical names information
- E/CONF.69/L.35
- English | Abstract in French
- Work of the United States of America in the Committee on Geographical Terminology of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History
- E/CONF.69/L.36
- English | Abstract in French
- National standardization: Suriname
- E/CONF.69/L.37, Submitted by Suriname
- English
- Report of Australia
- E/CONF.69/L.38, Submitted by Australia
- English
- Automatic type selection and typesetting for maps in the Division of National Mapping, Australia
- E/CONF.69/L.39, Submitted by Australia
- English
- Progress report on the standardization of geographical names in Finland, 1972-1977
- E/CONF.69/L.40
- English | Abstract in French
- Data processing for the preparation of the Gazetteer of the Federal Republic of Germany
- E/CONF.69/L.41, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English | Abstract in French
- Gazetteer of the Federal Republic of Germany - Introduction
- E/CONF.69/L.42, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English | Abstract in French
- Gazetteer of the Federal Republic of Germany (Preliminary edition, "Niedersachsen")
- E/CONF.69/L.42 / Add.1, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English
- Report by the Federal Republic of Germany on the state of the standardization of geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.43, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Administrative structure of national names authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany
- E/CONF.69/L.44, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English/French/Spanish| Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Report on the progress made in the standardization of geographical names in the German Democratic Republic since the Second United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names in 1972
- E/CONF.69/L.45, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English
- Rules for the spelling of geographical names in German Democratic Republic
- E/CONF.69/L.46, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English
- The constitutional provisions of the German Democratic Republic for citizens of Sorb nationality in the bilingual region, and the spelling of geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.47, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English
- On the content of the national lists of names
- E/CONF.69/L.48
- English
- Application of EDP to geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.49
- English
- Rules applicable in the German Democratic Republic to the names of topographic features common to two or more countries
- E/CONF.69/L.50, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English
- Rapport présenté par Madagascar
- E/CONF.69/L.51, Submitted by Madagascar
- English | French | Abstract in French
- Rapport présenté par Madagascar
- E/CONF.69/L.52, Submitted by Madagascar
- French | Abstract in French
- Field collection of geographical names in the province of Ontario, Canada
- E/CONF.69/L.53, Submitted by Canada
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Present situation of the standardization of geographical names in Japan
- E/CONF.69/L.54, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Standardization of geographical names in Japan
- E/CONF.69/L.55, Submitted by Japan
- English | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Gazetteers in Japan
- E/CONF.69/L.56, Submitted by Japan
- English | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Automatic data processing: Japan
- E/CONF.69/L.57, Submitted by Japan
- English| Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Japanese geographical terminology
- E/CONF.69/L.58, Submitted by Japan
- English | Abstract in English| Abstract in French
- Antarctic geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.59, Submitted by Japan
- English| Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Names of oceans and undersea features lying outside territorial waters
- E/CONF.69/L.60, Submitted by Japan
- English | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Romanization in Japan
- E/CONF.69/L.61, Submitted by Japan
- English | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Activities of the United States of America in standardizing geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.62, Submitted by USA
- English | Abstract in French
- Technical terminology employed in the standardization of geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.63, Submitted by China
- English
- Report on the standardization of geographical names in Norway since the Conference held in London, 1972-1977
- E/CONF.69/L.64, Submitted by Norway
- English
- Report on the standardization of geographical names in Norway since the Conference held in London, 1972-1977
- E/CONF.69/L.64/Add.1, Submitted by Norway
- English
- Report prepared by Turkey for the Third United Nations conference on the Standradization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.65, Submitted by Turkey
- English | Abstract in English| Abstract in French
- Rapport présenté par l'Empire Centrafricain à la troisième Conférence des Nations Unies sur la normalisation des noms
- E/CONF.69/L.66
- French
- Évolution des noms de commune en France de 1970 à 1975 et leur normalisation
- E/CONF.69/L.67, Submitted by France
- French | Abstract in English| Abstract in French
- Évolution des noms de commune en France de 1970 à 1975 et leur normalisation
- E/CONF.69/L.67/Add. 1, Submitted by France
- French
- Essai de classification des exonymes
- E/CONF.69/L.68, Submitted by France
- French | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Essai de classification des exonymes. Annexe : villes d'Europe
- E/CONF.69/L.68 / Add.1, Submitted by France
- French
- Rapport d'activité présenté par la France 1972-1977
- E/CONF.69/L.69, Submitted by France
- French
- Report of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names at its Fifth Session, 5-16 March 1973
- E/CONF.69/L.70
- English
- Report of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names at its Sixth Session, 5-26 March 1975
- E/CONF.69/L.71
- English
- The national languages of the countries of the world, their scripts and the United Nations recommendations for their Romanization
- E/CONF.69/L.72, Submitted by Austria
- English
- Austrian national gazetteers
- E/CONF.69/L.73, Submitted by Austria
- English
- Writing systems - conversion of names from one writing system into another
- E/CONF.69/L.74, Submitted by Austria
- English
- Report of UNGEGN, Asia, South East Division
- E/CONF.69/L.75
- English
- Report of UNGEGN, Dutch and German-speaking Division
- E/CONF.69/L.76
- English
- Report of the Working Group on a Single Romanization System for each non-Roman Writing System, 1 June 1972 to 16 August 1977
- E/CONF.69/L.77
- English
- Report of Nigeria
- E/CONF.69/L.78, Submitted by Nigeria
- English
- Standardization of geographical names in Greece: work carried out since the Second United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, 1972-1977
- E/CONF.69/L.79, Submitted by Greece
- English
- National standardization: Cyprus
- E/CONF.69/L.80, Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Report presented by the Republic of the Philippines on progress made in standardization of geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.81, Submitted by Philippines
- English
- Report on the progress made in Cyprus on the standardization of geographical names since the Second United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.82, Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Catégories d'exonymes et leur degré d'utilisation dans la République socialiste de Roumanie
- E/CONF.69/L.83, Submitted by Romania
- French
- Nomenclature nationale - oronymes et hydronymes
- E/CONF.69/L.84, Submitted by Romania
- French
- Dictionnaire sommaire des appellatifs utilisés dans la toponymie roumaine
- E/CONF.69/L.85, Submitted by Romania
- French
- Report by Governments on the progress made in the standardization of geographical names in Iran
- E/CONF.69/L.86, Submitted by Iran
- English
- Report on the situation and on the progress made since the Second United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names. National standardization. The Cyrillic and the Roman writing systems in Yugoslavia: critical remarks on the treatment of some Yugoslav names in international usage
- E/CONF.69/L.87, Submitted by Yugoslavia
- English
- A national policy for the bilingual treatment of geographical names on Canadian maps
- E/CONF.69/L.88, Submitted by Canada
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English
- Rapport de la délégation marocaine (1ère partie) Etat justificatif des noms. Organisation territoriale du Royaume du Maroc
- E/CONF.69/L.89 and Add.1 and 2
- French
- Proposition du Maroc sur la normalisation de noms géographiques
- E/CONF.69/L.90, Submitted by Morocco
- French
- Lexique de cartographie français-arabe
- E/CONF.69/L.91
- French
- Rapport de la délégation marocaine (2ème partie) Le system Lakhdar-Ghazal de composition arabe standard. Nomenclature ASV-CODAR
- E/CONF.69/L.92
- French
- Report on the progress in the aarea of the standardization of geographical names in Czechoslovakia between August 1972 and April 1977, Praha - Bratislava 1977
- E/CONF.69/L.93, Submitted by Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
- English
- Problems of standardization in a multilingual nation: Sudan
- E/CONF.69/L.94, Submitted by Sudan
- English
- Problems of standardization in a multilingual nation: Sudan
- E/CONF.69/L.95, Submitted by Sudan
- English
- Condition and problems of the standardization of geographical names in the People's Republic of Bulgaria, 1972-1977
- E/CONF.69/L.96, Submitted by Bulgaria
- English
- Unified reference book of geographical names from the valley of the Danube River
- E/CONF.69/L.97, Submitted by Bulgaria
- English
- Geonomenclature 1976-1977, report presented by the Statistical Office of the European Communities
- E/CONF.69/L.98, Submitted by Statistical Office of the European Communities
- English
- A directory of Czech traditional geographical proper names
- E/CONF.69/L.99, Submitted by Czech Socialist Republic
- English
- Undersea feature terminology recommended for use in GEBCO, fifth edition
- E/CONF.69/L.100, Submitted by IHO
- English/French
- Comparison of the limits and names of oceans and seas as recommended by the International Hydrographic Organization and used by the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, and the Netherlands
- E/CONF.69/L.101
- English
- Report on the progress made in the standardization of geographical names in the People's Republic of China
- E/CONF.69/L.102, Submitted by China
- English
- Report presented by Sweden
- E/CONF.69/L.103, Submitted by Sweden
- English
- An international dictionary of expressions used on standard geographical maps
- E/CONF.69/L.104, Submitted by Czech Socialist Republic
- English
- On the relationship of official names and exonyms as a problem of the standardization of geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.105, Submitted by Czech Socialist Republic
- English
- Scheme for a Chinese phonetic alphabet
- E/CONF.69/L.106, Submitted by China
- English
- Report of the activities on the geographical names standardization in Poland for the period 1972-1977
- E/CONF.69/L.107, Submitted by Poland
- English
- Report of the Africa West Division
- E/CONF.69/L.108
- English
- History of geographical names in India
- E/CONF.69/L.109, Submitted by India
- English
- Undersea feature names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names
- E/CONF.69/L.110, Submitted by USA
- English
- Report of Afghanistan
- E/CONF.69/L.111, Submitted by Afghanistan
- English
- Report of Afghanistan
- E/CONF.69/L.111 and Add. 1, Submitted by Afghanistan
- English
- Report submitted by the Government of Kenya
- E/CONF.69/L.112, Submitted by Kenya
- English
- Report of the Africa East Division
- E/CONF.69/L.113
- English
- Contribución de una relación de exonimos españoles
- E/CONF.69/L.114, Submitted by Spain
- Spanish
- Question of Cyprus. Letter dated 22 August 1977 from the Head of the Turkish Delegation addressed to the President of the Third United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical
- E/CONF.69/L.115, Submitted by Turkey
- English
- Transliteration of languages of the Indian group into Roman and Devanagari
- E/CONF.69/L.116, Submitted by India
- English
- State of Geographical Place Names Committee in Zambia
- E/CONF.69/L.117, Submitted by Zambia
- English
- Rules for spelling Chinese place names with the Chinese phonetic alphabet
- E/CONF.69/L.118, Submitted by China
- English
- Rules for the transliteration of minority nationality place names with the Chinese phonetic alphabet
- E/CONF.69/L.119, Submitted by China
- English
- Antecedentes que Chile presenta a la Tercera Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas para normalizar los nombres geográficos
- E/CONF.69/L.120, Submitted by Chile
- Spanish
- Materials for discussion on exonyms
- E/CONF.69/L.121, Submitted by Poland
- English
- Question of Cyprus. Letter dated 23 August 1977 from the Head of the Cyprus Delegation to the President of the Third United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.122, Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Point de vue du Maroc sur la romanisation
- E/CONF.69/L.123, Submitted by Morocco
- French
- Gazetteers and glossaries of geographical names of the member countries of the United Nations, bibliography, 1946-1976
- E/CONF.69/L.124, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English/French
- Geographical names on the coast of the Federal Republic of Germany
- E/CONF.69/L.125, Submitted by Federal Republic of Germany
- English
- Dictionary of technical terms used by the United Nations Organization in standardization of geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.126, Submitted by Czech Socialist Republic
- English
- Rapport sur les activités et les progrès réalisés en République populaire du Congo dans le domaine de la normalisation des noms géographiques
- E/CONF.69/L.127, Submitted by People's Republic of Congo
- French
- International cartographic document entitled "Cartactual"
- E/CONF.69/L.128, Submitted by Hungary
- English
- Statement by the United States of America and the United Kingdom concerning the romanization of Chinese
- E/CONF.69/L.129, Submitted by China
- English
- Note by the Secretariat covering the distribution of "Canoma", containing documents E/CONF.69/L.15, L.16 and L.17
- E/CONF.69/L.130
- English
- International co-operation in publications of geographical names : draft resolution
- Honorary President of the Conference: draft resolution
- Honorary President of the Conference: draft resolution
- Informe de la República de Cuba
- E/CONF.69/L.134, Submitted by Cuba
- English/French/Spanish | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- Report by Bangladesh
- E/CONF.69/L.135, Submitted by Bangladesh
- English
- Withdrawn
- E/CONF.69/L.136
- English
- Question of Cyprus. Letter from the Head of the Turkish Delegation addressed to the President of the Conference
- E/CONF.69/L.137, , Submitted by Turkey
- English
- Geographical/linguistic coverage of all African linguistic groups. Draft resolution submitted by Liberia (supported by Zambia and
- Fourth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names. Draft resolution
- Question of Cyprus. Letter dated 1 September 1977 from the Head of the Turkish Delegation to the President of the Third United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.140, Submitted by Turkey
- English
- Vote of thanks. Draft resolution submitted by Malaysia
- Question of Cyprus. Letter dated 2 September 1977 from the Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Cyprus addressed to the President of the Third United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.142, Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Single romanization system for each non-Roman writing system. Draft resolution submitted by India
- Geographical dictionaries. Draft resolution submitted by Guatemala
- Use of the Arabic language as a working language at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names: draft resolution
- Report of the Republic of Liberia on the standardization of geographical names
- E/CONF.69/L.146, Submitted by Liberia
- English
- Some notes on the Place Names Commission, Republic of
- E/CONF.69/L.147, Submitted by Botswana
- English
- Question of Cyprus. Letter dated 5 September 1977 from the Head of the Cyprus Delegation to the President of the Third United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.148, Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Letter dated 5 September 1977 from the Counsellor of the Représentation Diplomatique d'Israel at Athens to the Executive Secretary of the Third United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.149, Submitted by Israel
- English
- Letter dated 5 September 1977 from the Head of the Turkish Delegation to the President of the Third United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
- E/CONF.69/L.150, Submitted by Turkey
- English
- Provisional list of participants registered as of 19 August 1977
- E/CONF.69/Misc.7
- English
- Draft Report. Editorial Committee of Committee II
- E/CONF.69/Misc.8
- English
- To all delegates (re closing of receival of documents)
- E/CONF.69/Misc.9
- English
Other related documents

- Address by Professor L.N. Mavridis, President of the Conference