Outputs from Task Teams 2018
The Network decided to pursue its activities led by four task teams, which consisted of 4-5 members. Each task team had a team leader who led the group. The teams held meetings/teleconferences as they see fit to implement the activities of their respective group. The task teams focused on the following topics:
- Creating an inventory of existing training courses on official statistics and conducting a needs assessment study to analyze gaps in training existing training courses.
- Identifying exemplars and best practices
- Technology and innovation in statistical training
- Statistical literacy
This page provides a summary of the work conducted by the task teams in 2018.
Institutional profiles were developed for each member of GIST which can be found here.
DOC Key facts about training courses provided by GIST member organizations.
DOC Synthesis of GIST members' needs on e-learning platforms
DOC Preliminary findings from survey on statistical literacy
DOC Summary of needs assessment exercise
PDF Chair’s summary of the inventory
Files for 2018 inventory