The United Nations Statistics Division maintains a Learning Management System, which hosts e-learning courses developed by UNSD, as well as e-learning courses developed under the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data science for Official Statistics (UN-CEBD).

These e-learning courses are delivered by UNSD in addition to the numerous capacity building programmes aimed at increasing statistical capacity in member states, particularly in developing countries that are organized through face-to-face meetings. E-learning activities are increasingly used to support face-to-face elements of the training programme; but a growing segment are new stand-alone e-learning courses that allow users to gain knowledge on international standards and methods in a variety of statistical domains without restrictions in terms of time or finances that usually limit access to traditional face-to-face meetings.
UNSD also coordinates the work of the Big Data Task Team on Training, Competencies and Capacity Development. The Task Team makes recommendations on quality elements for developing courses, assist others in the development of training curricula and provide guidance on methodological issues.
The e-learning courses by UNSD, as well as those developed by members of the Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST), are also listed on the UN SDG:Learn website maintained by UNITAR. E-learning courses and webinars of the regional and international organizations can also be found on the Global Calendar.
UNSD has also been involved in drafting supporting documents for selected statistical domains, where visitors could guide themselves through well-structured pages and videos to gain useful knowledge on different statistical methodologies at their own pace. Such documents have been developed for:
- National accounts
- Framework for Development of Environment Statistics (FDES)
- Green economy