

The 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme Newsletter provides a synopsis of recent developments, events and census taking activities related to the 2020 census round. The Newsletter summarizes recent meetings and workshops on censuses and announces upcoming events. This Newsletter is published by the Demographic and Social Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division.

  No.14 - March 2013
  No.13 - November 2012
  No.12 - July 2012
  No.11 - March 2012
  No.10 - November 2011
  No.9 - July 2011
  No.8 - May 2011
  No.7 - November 2010
  No.6 - March 2010
  No.5 - May 2009
  No.4 - March 2009
  No.3 - December 2008
  No.2 - July 2008
  No.1 - March 2008

For further information on the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme, visit http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/sources/census/wphc/default.htm or contact: censusprogramme@un.org.

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