United Nations Workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics
Kampala, Uganda, 4–7 December 2012
List of documents
DOCUMENTATION FOR THE WORKSHOP ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/L.1 Agenda 465 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/L.2 List of Participants 79 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/L.3 List of Exercises 62 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/L.4 Conclusions and Recommendations 53 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/L.5 Final Report 271 KB
Session 1: Develop a coherent and comprehensive plan for the production of gender statistics
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/1/1 Uganda: Welcome remarks 1.32 MBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/1/2 UNSD: Overview of gender statistics 230 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/1/3 UNSD: Global review of Gender Statistics Programmes 522 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/1/4 Ethiopia presentation
183 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/1/5 Uganda presentation
422 KBSession 2: Integrating a gender perspective in health statistics
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/2/1 UNSD: Integrating a gender perspective into health statistics
1.63 MBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/2/2 Malawi presentation
606 KBSession 3: Integrating a gender perspective into work statistics
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/3/1 UNSD: Integrating a gender perspective into work statistics
490 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/3/2 Zimbabwe presentation
144 KBSession 4: Integrating a gender perspective in poverty statistics
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/4/1 UNSD: Integrating a gender perspective into poverty statistics
889 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/4/2 Mauritius presentation
2.6 MBSession 5: Integrating a gender perspective in statistics on environment
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/5/1 UNSD: Integrating a gender perspective into environment statistics
554 KBSession 6: Integrating a gender perspective into data collection: an overview
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/6/1 UNSD: Integrating a gender perspective into data collection: an overview
192 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/6/2 UNSD: 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses - A Global Review
304 KBSession 7: Violence against Women Surveys
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/7/1 UNSD: Measuring violence against women
428 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/7/2 Zambia presentation
1.62 MBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/7/3 Kenya presentation
5.59 MBSession 8: Time Use Surveys
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/8/1 UNSD: Time Use Survey and gender statistics
1013 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/8/2 Ghana presentation
2.49 MBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/8/3 Tanzania presentation
2.35 MBSession 9: Population and Housing censuses: Use of census data for gender statistics
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/9/1 UNFPA presentation
2.83 MBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/9/2 Malawi presentation
381 KBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/9/3 Kenya presentation
3.04 MBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/9/4 UNFPA presentation
2.38 MBESA/STAT/441/2/41A/9/5 UNFPA manual
3.91MBSession 10: Analysis and presentation of gender statistics: an overview
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/10/1 UNSD: From raw data to easily understood gender statistics
643 KBSession 11: ECA initiatives on Gender Statistics
ESA/STAT/441/2/41A/11/1 ECA presentation
339 KB