
VNR Data Lab | Beyond Numbers: Strengthening VNRs with citizen engagement and qualitative insights (Country spotlight)

11 Jul 2024, 9:00-10:00 am EDT    Virtual

The UN Statistics Division (UNSD) and PARIS21 will co-host a VNR data lab at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2024, providing a platform to showcase country experiences in utilizing qualitative data and engaging citizens in the VNR data process. Recognizing the critical role of reliable data in evidence-based Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs), alternative data sources, such as citizen-generated data or qualitative data can address challenges such as data gaps, timeliness, and disaggregation, which often constrain comprehensive SDG monitoring and the breadth of analysis for VNRs. By integrating perspectives and narratives of citizens and communities into VNRs, governments can enhance inclusivity and capture the nuanced experiences of stakeholders, contributing to a more holistic assessment of SDG progress. This approach not only upholds methodological rigor but also facilitates the exploration of areas where progress may have stagnated or regressed, particularly among marginalized groups. The VNR data lab aims to showcase good practices in integrating qualitative data and citizen data engagement processes, highlight the utility of qualitative narratives for SDG monitoring, and foster peer learning among countries preparing VNRs.

Resources for participants

  • Concept note and agenda (PDF)