Open consultation on the Bern Data Compact for a Decade of Action on the Sustainable Development Goals

9 AUG - 13 SEP 2021  


The High-Level Group on Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (HLG-PCCB) has drafted the Bern Data Compact for a Decade of Action on the Sustainable Development Goals that will be launched at the UNWDF 2021 on the 6 October 2021 in Bern, Switzerland. This outcome document presents the data community with a call to action to develop data capacity, establish partnerships, produce data to leave no one behind, ensure data are presented in a timely, open and impartial manner and build trust. The consultation will run from Monday, 9 August to Monday, 13 September 2021 and a draft version of the Bern Data Compact for the Decade of Action can be found below:

The HLG-PCCB is holding this open consultation to seek inputs from a wider range of stakeholders and participants in the UN World Data Forum (UNWDF) representing the global community of data producers and users. The open consultation seeks to obtain:

  • information through 5 key questions on the state of coordination in the data ecosystem, support for multi-stakeholder partnerships on data, priority areas for modernization and further strengthening of data dissemination
  • information on key activities which will contribute to the commitments outlined in the outcome document (see paragraph 6 of the document)
  • comments on the outcome document

The community is requested to share their opinions on these areas through the following questionnaire before Monday, 13 September 2021:

If you have any questions regarding the consultation, please contact dataforum@un.org