Monitoring sustainability of tourism and human mobility with innovative methods - How to put mobile phone data (MPD) to work for policy, statistics and sustainability

11 June 2024
09:00 - 12:15

Bilbao, Spain - Sala 5HTERRAZA Location


The session will discuss new tactics and tools to shape the institutional conditions to responsibly integrate MPD into the national and local data systems to enable Governments and other actors to put MPD as a data source in producing statistics, including in mobility, tourism, transport and other areas to work for responsive policy, to optimize the delivery of public services, and to address sustainability.

This session will also demonstrate the power of big data analysis, spatial analysis techniques and geospatial visualization tools in uncovering spatial patterns and trends within MPD datasets.


Moderator: Daniel Power, Flowminder

Other Applications of Mobile Phone Data

Enablers / Safeguards