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National Accounts Publications

All handbooks sorted by release year (starting with the latest) and in alphabetical order
Handbook on Data Template and Metadata for Short-Term Statistics
Description:The Handbook on Data Template and Metadata for Short-Term Statistics has been prepared as part of the International Programme on Short-Term Statistics endorsed by the United Nations Statistics Commission. The Handbook comprises set of internationally accepted short-term statistics and accompanying metadata for the purpose of macroeconomic surveillance, early warning of economic and financial vulnerabilities and detection of turning points in business cycles. These short-term statistics were selected as a result of global consultation across the international statistical community, with recommended periodicity and timeliness based on an assessment of the availability of short-term statistics across national statistical systems. The data template is organised flexibly to enable adaptation based on national priorities and circumstances.
PDF version:English    
Handbook on Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications
Description:The Handbook on Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications is an update of the Handbook of National Accounting: Handbook of Input-Output Table Compilation and Analysis (United Nations, 1999) (available here to incorporate the changes in the international standards like the 2008 SNA and the BPM 6. The Handbook is part of a series of handbooks on national accounting to support of the implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA). The objective of this Handbook is to provide a step-by-step guidance for the compilation of Supply and Use Tables (SUTs) and Input-Output Tables (IOTs) and an overview of the possible extensions of SUTs and IOTs which increase their analytical usefulness.
PDF version:English    
Satellite Account on Nonprofit and Related Institutions and Volunteer Work
Description:The Satellite Account on Nonprofit and Related Institutions and Volunteer work is an update of the Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts (United Nations, 2003) (available here) to reflect the most recent revisions of the underlying international economic accounting standards (notably the 2008 SNA) and classifications (ISIC Rev. 4), and the experiences/country practices in implementing the guidelines on NPI satellite accounts. The Handbook brings various efforts together to offer comprehensive methodological guidance for creating, in a manner that is compatible with the 2008 SNA, a coherent satellite account on what we are calling the “third, or social economy, sector,” the “TSE sector” for short, embracing three components: (a) NPIs that are not controlled by government; (b) certain related institutions that are not controlled by government, including in-scope cooperatives, mutual societies, and social enterprises; and (c) volunteer work. As for the 2003 edition of the handbook, this draft handbook is the result of the collaboration between the United Nations Statistics Division and the Johns Hopkins Centre for Civil Society Studies.
PDF version:English    
Handbook on Cyclical Composite Indicators (UN and Eurostat)
Description:The Handbook on Cyclical Composite Indicators has been prepared as part of the International Programme on Short-Term Statistics endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission. The Handbook was drafted by Eurostat and the Conference Board under the guidance of a working group composed of the Eurostat, Statistics Netherlands, the Conference Board and UNSD. It is intended to provide recommendations and harmonized principles on compilation and presentation of cyclical composite indicators by presenting an overview of the available methods and practices in the field. The Handbook can also be downloaded from Eurostat at the following link:
PDF version:English    
Handbook on Rapid Estimates (UN and Eurostat)
Description:In an ever more interconnected and interdependent world, where time is increasingly of the essence, more reliable and up-to-date data are need to enable and support the process of effective decision making, e.g. via rapid estimates. This handbook provides an overview of the different types of rapid estimates and the statistical and econometric methods for their construction. It also offers guidance for the implementation of rapid estimates in practice and their quality assessment. The Handbook has been prepared as part of the International Programme on Short-Term Statistics, which was endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2011. The Handbook can also be downloaded from Eurostat at the following link:
PDF version:English    
Handbook on Economic Tendency Surveys
Description:The Handbook on Economic Tendency Surveys provides best practices and harmonized principles on how to conduct economic tendency survey from sample selection, questionnaire design, survey questions, survey execution, to data processing and dissemination. It also provides examples of uses of these surveys, for example, for composite tendency indicators. These surveys provide qualitative information that cannot be collected using other quantitative statistical methods. They also serve as an integral part of an early warning system because they provide information about the occurrence and timing of upturns and downturns of the economy.
PDF version:English    
Printed version:English    
Handbook of National Accounting: Financial Production, Flows and Stocks in the System of National Accounts
Description:The Handbook provides practical guidance on the calculation and allocation of the production of various types of financial services and issues related to the compilation of the financial account and balance sheets by institutional sector in the context of from-whom-to-whom relationships.
PDF version:عربي    English    Français    Español    
Printed version:English    
Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics
Description:The Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics provide practical guidance on advancing consistency, coherence and reconciliation of statistical information through the application of the methodology of integrated economic statistics using the System of National Accounts 2008 as the overarching conceptual framework. The Guidelines also provide case studies and other practical material to share experiences in implementing an integrated statistical production approach in national statistical systems.
PDF version:عربي    中文    English    Français    Русский    Español    
Printed version:English    
Handbook of National Accounting: National Accounts - A Practical Introduction
Description:Basic concepts and structures of the System of National Accounts (SNA) are provided in this handbook designed to familiarize economists and policy makers with national accounts. This publication will serve as a useful guide to reading the SNA.
PDF version:عربي    中文    English    Français    Русский    Español    
SNA Compilation Worksheets: Zip file (598 KB)
Example of Supply and Use Tables by Institutional Sectors: Excel file (249 KB)
Handbook of National Accounting: Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts
Description:This handbook recommends statistical standards and guidelines for the development of data on non-profit institutions (NPIs) within the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA). The framework, concepts and classifications are designed as an extension and clarification of those underlying the 1993 SNA. The publication is coordinated by the United Nations Statistical Division and includes contributions from SNA experts, national accountants and other specialists from a variety of developed and developing countries. Its objective is to develop and make available increasingly important NPI data, which to this point has been often ignored as part of the economy-wide compilation of data on national statistics.
PDF version:عربي    中文    English    Français    Русский    Español    
Handbook of National Accounting: Use of Macro Accounts in Policy Analysis
Description:Traditionally policy analysts use statistics in order to monitor developments and make decisions. This handbook emphasizes the role of macro accounting as an instrument rather than a data set. The term 'macro accounts' refers to the feature of macro accounts to reconcile separate statistics into a coherent data set and offers macro accounts as an instrument to policy analysts. The handbook is about the interaction between the scope of macro accounting, the compilation of macro accounts and analysis.
PDF version:عربي    English    Русский    Español    
Handbook of National Accounting: A Systems Approach to National Accounts Compilation
Description:This technical report,based on the 1993 System of National Accounts, provides a general framework in which the multitude of worldwide experiences in the field of national accounts compilation can be incorporated and thus can be compared and discussed for the benefit of political and technical decision makers. It discusses the national compilation approach, the statistical requirements and analytical features of alternative options, and the concept of national accounts and supporting data compilation cycles. In addition, the report includes two annexes. Annex I presents a summary of practical experiences acquired during the tests of the compilation approach carried out by the United Nations Statistical Department in a number of country projects. Annex II presents, in an illustrative manner, some types of statistical discrepancies that may emerge. It also shows how a reconciliation strategy may be defined to eliminate these discrepancies.
PDF version:English    
Handbook of National Accounting: Household Accounting Experience in Concepts and Compilation, Vol.1: Household Sector Accounts
Description:This handbook focuses on household sector accounts and their possible extensions as described in the System of National Accounts 1993. It describes the experiences of countries with regard to conceptual and compilation issues of household sector and satellite accounting. Volume 1 focuses on the concept of the informal sector, presents country and case studies on the compilation of household sector accounts, and describes the links of the household sector with other selected sectors.
PDF version:English    Français    
Handbook of National Accounting: Household Accounting Experience in Concepts and Compilation, Vol.2: Household Satellite Extensions
Description:This handbook focuses on household sector accounts and their possible extensions as described in the System of National Accounts 1993. It describes the experiences of countries with regard to conceptual and compilation issues of household sector and satellite accounting. Volume 2 is primarily devoted to various types of household satellite accounting including labour accounting and socio-economic accounting. This volume also describes various social indicators, problems in measuring them and potential data sources.
PDF version:عربي    English    Русский    
Handbook of National Accounting: Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting - An Operational Manual
Description:United Nations Statistics Division and United Nations Environment Programme have jointly published Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting. The handbook provides, on the basis of country experiences, hands on guidance on the implementation of the more practical modules of the System of integrated Environmental and Economic accounting (SEEA).
PDF version:عربي    中文    English    Français    Русский    Español    
Handbook of National Accounting: Links between Business Accounting and National Accounting
Description:This Handbook is part of a series of handbooks in support of the implementation of the 1993 System of National Accounts. This handbook attempts to cover the conceptual and practical aspects of linking business accounts to national accounts through countries' experiences. From the Handbook, one learns how to read financial statements of corporations, the similarities and differences between concepts in business accounts and economics and the necessary adjustments to be made to business accounts to obtain national accounts for economic analysis. The main target audience for this handbook is staff responsible for the compilation of national accounts and survey specialists.
PDF version:عربي    English    Русский    Español    
Handbook of National Accounting: Handbook of Input-Output Table Compilation and Analysis
Description:The main focus of the Handbook is to cover in detail the conceptual and statistical integration of the supply and use tables within the 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA). The Handbook covers three main areas: the analytical and statistical foundation of input-output (I/O) analysis and the methods of converting the supply and use tables into a single symmetric I/O table; compilation of SNA supply and use tables; and applications of I/O tables and models dealing with price deflation and annual national accounts estimates, impact analysis and pollution study.
PDF version:English    
Handbook of National Accounting: Use of the System of National Accounts in Economies in Transition
Description:This handbook provides guidance for national accountants on the application of international standards on national accounts in "transition economies" and other countries introducing market mechanisms. It reviews how shifts in production from public to private and from non-market to market production affect GDP and component measures of production and final demand, changes in the social benefits system, privatization of enterprises and dwellings and the emerging financial system, and how to adapt data sources to these changes. Conceptual and data links between SNA and the Material Product System (MPS) are presented in the annex.
PDF version:عربي    中文    English    Français    Русский    Español    

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