S20: Names as cultural heritage

7. Threats to cultural heritage aspects


So geographical names are irreplaceable cultural values of vital significance to people's sense of well-being. They are an important part of local identity and contribute to a sense of belonging.

Geographical names constitute a part of the collective memory and heritage and thus function as social identifiers.

But they are threatened by:

  • the continued extension of towns and cities over the rural countryside, with the related loss of geographical names for fields and hamlets, villages and farms.

  • The same is due to extensification of agriculture, or the abandoning of marginal farms;

  • there is the immigration of population groups speaking ohter languages without previous links to the environment.

  • there is the lack of interest in the names minority groups are using to refer to their environment.

  • New mapping methods, not depending on terrain surveys tend to loose on toponyms.

  • Toponymical cleansing: countries try to change the names because they want other countries to believe that the names areas are only inhabited by citizens speaking the country's major language.


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012