S20: Names as cultural heritage

3. Names as carriers of images


Geographical names are the links that are forged by the inhabitants of an area with topographic objects (farms, fields, mountains) around them, and as such they form a part of the identity of these local inhabitants.

Helleland (2008) calls this Landschape identity, defined as the unity between persons and the landscape they experience in given circumstances. When a person/inhabitant hears a name, he immediately recognizes this and have associations with this particular name. During a lifetime, trough media or through education they will also get immeidate associations with other geographical names, e.g.:

  • Paris: The name of the French capital has associations with light and freedom (French revolution)

  • Name pairs like Karl Marx stadt / Chemnitz or Leningrad / Sankt Peterburg have political connotations, as different political groups might go for one or the other of these names.

To quote Helleland, place names form a part of one's identity both as linguistic terms and as identifiers of one's environments. As such, place-names may be used to bring forth a wide range of mental and emotional associations - associations of time and space, of history and events, of persons and social activitities, of oneself and stages in one's life.


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012