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Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics

Amman, Jordan, 12-14 June 2012

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), in collaboration with the Department of Statistics of Jordan, the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) and the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), are jointly organizing a Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics.

The seminar took place from 12 to 14 June 2012 in Amman, Jordan.


    The main sessions of the Seminar


Documents for the meeting

Tuesday, 12 June 2012
08:00 - 09:00
Registration for participants:
09:00 - 12:30
Opening session  
Opening of the meeting
Opening statement
Adoption of provisional agenda and administrative matters
Status of statistics of international trade in services in the ESCWA region: lessons learned, ESCWA work on trade statistics and overview of the results of the MSITS questionnaire
Purpose and context of the seminar: Trade and globalization
Main recommendations for international merchandise trade statistics: IMTS 2010 and its implementation
The recommendations for statistics of international trade in services: MSITS 2010 and the Compilers Guide for MSITS 2010
14:00 - 16:30
Compilation of resident/non-resident transactions in services
Travel services and Tourism statistics
Transport services
Group discussion on Travel and Transport services
Wednesday 13 June 2012
8:30 - 12:30
Trade and Globalization  
  11. FATS, FDI and Multi-nationals -International recommendations and country experiences
Group discussion on FATS, FDI and data of Multi-nationals
Other commercial services
Manufacturing services on inputs owned by others
  15. International sourcing of Business Functions
  16. General discussion on Trade and Globalization
14:00 - 16:30
Linking trade with other economic and social statistics
Guidelines for Statistical Business Registers
Trade in goods and service by Enterprise Characteristics, TEC and STEC
19. Linking Trade with Economic and Social Statistics
Group discussion on linking Trade with other statistics
Measuring Trade in Value-added
Group discussion on Trade in Value-added
Thursday 14 June 2012
8:30 - 12:30
Towards an integrated approach of trade in goods and services
Institutional arrangements for trade in goods and services
The integrated dissemination of international trade statistics
Discussion on integration of the collection, compilation and dissemination of trade in goods and services
Round table discussion on the future developments of international trade statistics

Conclusions and recommendations of the Regional Seminar