The SNA is designed to give a realistic and compact view of the economy that is suitable for policy and analytical use. As the economy changes and policy and analytical needs evolve, the SNA must be reviewed to see if it is still relevant for these purposes. This page is dedicated to such research issues and is updated with new items that emerge and recommendations on existing items as agreed. In assessing the priority to be given to a research topic, three questions need to be addressed. |
 | How urgent and important is the topic to ensure that the SNA continues to be relevant to the users? |
 | How widespread are the consequences of change and how complicated will implementation be? |
 | Is the topic completely new or has much of the preparation for considering the item been completed? |
The process of selecting items for investigation is one that will involve widespread consultation and involvement of both compilers and users in the review process. |
Work on the research agenda of the 2008 SNA is coordinated under the auspices of the ISWGNA to ensure worldwide representation in the deliberation of these issues and the proper implementation of the results in international standards or handbooks. Proposals for task forces or expert groups to do research on specific topics should be submitted to the ISWGNA, which will assess the results in accordance with the update procedures for the SNA established by the UN Statistical Commission. |
The Consolidated list of SNA research issue is based on the feedback from the SNA research agenda task force and the AEG. |