S14: Toponymical Guidelines

2. the scope - D) Names authorities and names standardization



  • Which authorities are responsible for which categories of names?

  • What is the division of responsibilities between the national (or federal) government and regional/local authorities?

  • What is the state of progress of the official standardization of names?

  • What are the mail addresses of the (national and regional) names authorities, and, if these exist, of the advisory board(s) on geographical names assisting them?


In Austria (in 1979):

  • The names of inhabited places of all categories are standardized, and published by the federal names authority.

  • The geographical names other than those of inhabited places are in the process of being officially collected and presented as standards through publication by the federal authority.

  • In the meantime, the names on the most recent sheets of the official Austria Map, 1/50,000, are to be regarded as being official names.

  • The Guidelines include a map showing the areas covered by provincial toponymic commissions.

  • Which authority can inform you about place names in Austria?


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012