Regional Workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective in the Production of Statistics
Amman, Jordan, 1-4 December 2014
List of documents
ESA/STAT/AC Agenda 279 KBESA/STAT/AC List of Participants 24 KBESA/STAT/AC Speech by Jordan (English) 82 KBESA/STAT/AC Speech by Jordan (Arabic) 287 KBESA/STAT/AC Opening Statement by UNSD 217 KBESA/STAT/AC Final Report KB
Session 1 Developing a coherent and comprehensive plan for the production of gender statistics Global Gender Statistics Programme - UNSD 3867 KBOverview of gender statistics: why, what, for whom and how - UNSD 1161 KBCountries’ experience in integrating gender into national statistics - Bahrain 4234 KBCountries’ experience in integrating gender into national statistics - Egypt 653 KBSession 2 Integrating a gender perspective into population and housing census operations Integrate gender into population and housing census operation - UNSD 715 KBCountry experience - Jordan 1106 KBSession 3 Integrating a gender perspective into health statistics Bringing gender issues into statistics on health - UNSD 1143 KBSession 4 Integrating a gender perspective into work statistics Bringing gender issues into work statistics - UNSD 1238 KBCountry experience - Jordan 619 KBGroup Exercise 52 KBSession 5 Integrating a gender perspective into poverty statistics Bringing gender issues into poverty statistics - UNSD 1362 KBCountry experience - Sudan 90 KBSession 6 Violence against women surveys Guidelines for Producing Statistics on Violence Against Women - UNESCWA 1279 KBCountry experience - Iraq 781 KBCountry experience - Morocco 289 KBCountry experience - Tunisia 761 KBSession 7 Time use surveys Time Use Surveys and gender statistics - UNESCWA 1749 KBCountry experience - State of Palestine 167 KBCountry experience - Tunisia 289 KBSession 8 Population and Housing censuses: Use of census data for gender statistics UNSD Presentation 2654 KBCountry experience - Morocco 1250 KBCountry experience - State of Palestine 444 KBCountry experience - Tunisia 412 KBGroup Exercise 412 KBSession 9 Analysis and presentation of gender statistics: an overview From raw data to easily understood gender statistics - UNSD 873 KBSession 10 Regional work programme on gender statistics Regional perspective, the way forward - UN-ESCWA 1244 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Jordan 645 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Morocco 226 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Qatar 199 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Sudan 64 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Tunisia 2734 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Yemen 2391 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Egypt 535 KBCountry presentation on framework and future plans - Iraq 1221 KB