Detailed information about "Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies"

Key info
Offered byDuke University

In this course, you will learn best practices for how to use data analytics to make any company more competitive and more profitable. You will be able to recognize the most critical business metrics and distinguish them from mere data.

You’ll get a clear picture of the vital but different roles business analysts, business data analysts, and data scientists each play in various types of companies. And you’ll know exactly what skills are required to be hired for, and succeed at, these high-demand jobs. Finally, you will be able to use a checklist provided in the course to score any company on how effectively it is embracing big data culture. Digital companies like Amazon, Uber and Airbnb are transforming entire industries through their creative use of big data. You’ll understand why these companies are so disruptive and how they use data-analytics techniques to out-compete traditional companies.

Accredited byCoursera

Additional info
Provider typeacademic center
Typecourse is part of the specialization
Synchronous / asynchronousasynchronous online course
Type of deliverylecture
Length7 hours
Dates availableanytime
Cost$49 USD per month
Has certificateYES
Registration / Access controlYES
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