Detailed information about "Artificial Intelligence for Business Strategy"

Key info
Offered byEIT Digital Professional School

Without a doubt, Artificial Intelligence is changing the business landscape. But before you can leverage the power of AI, you first need to know where to begin. As an emerging technology, AI holds both opportunities and risks. The key to navigating this potential minefield is to understand the technology itself, but moreover to be able to confidently evaluate AI processes and maximise the trade-off between business impact and resources spent.

Ready to guide your organisation towards new opportunities based on AI technologies? Our Business Implications of AI course has you covered.

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Additional info
Provider typecommercial entity
Synchronous / asynchronoussynchronous online course
Type of deliveryblended (practical training and lecture)
Length3 days
Dates available20-22 June 2022
Cost2800 EUR
Has certificateYES
Registration / Access controlYES
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