Detailed information about "GIS Specialization: Imagery, Automation and Applications"

Key info
Offered byUniversity of California, UC Davis

In this course you will become comfortable with spatial analysis and applications within GIS during four modules:

  • Module 1: You'll learn all about remotely sensed and satellite imagery, and be introduced to the electromagnetic spectrum. At the end of this week, you'll be able to find and download satellite imagery online and use it for two common types of analysis: NDVI and trained classification.
  • Module 2: You'll learn how to use ModelBuilder to create large processing workflows that use parameters, preconditions, variables, and a new set of tools.
  • Module 3: In week three, we'll make and use digital elevation models using some new, specific tools such as the cut fill tool, hillshades, viewsheds and more. We'll also go through a few common algorithms including a very important one: the suitability analysis.
  • Module 4: We'll begin the final week by talking about a few spatial analyst tools we haven't yet touched on in the specialization: Region Group to make our own zones, Focal Statistics to smooth a hillshade, Reclassify to change values, and Point Density to create a density surface.


  • Use the imagery in two different common types of analysis: NDVI and trained classification.
  • Practice with tools to support image analysis using Raster Calculation and Spatial Analyst.
  • Develop a large processing workflow in ModelBuilder.
  • Use products derived from digital elevation models.


  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Imagery Analysis
  • Spatial Analysis
  • satellite imagery
  • GIS Applications

Accredited byCoursera

Additional info
Provider typeacademic center
Typecourse is part of the specialization
Synchronous / asynchronousasynchronous online course
Type of deliveryblended (practical training and lecture)
Length27 hours
Dates availableanytime
Costspecialization 49 USD per month
Has certificateYES
Registration / Access controlYES
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