Detailed information about "Fundamentals of Data Science (Technical)"

Key info
Offered byUniversity of Southampton

This 6-week part-time, online course is designed to introduce you to the theoretical components of data science and give you hands-on experience in producing solutions to data science problems using Python.

This course will build on your existing data skills and arm you with the practical capabilities to deliver an immediate impact on day-to-day business. You’ll take a hands-on approach to learning data skills through interactive exercises that will offer more exposure to Python and allow you to try out many of the techniques and concepts covered in the taught material.

Accredited bySouthampton Data Science Academy

Additional info
Provider typeacademic center
Synchronous / asynchronous 
Type of delivery 
Length1 month
Dates availableFuture dates to be announced
Cost1747 EUR
Has certificateYES
Registration / Access controlYES
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