Detailed information about "Database Systems Specialization"

Key info
Offered byUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

This specialized program is aimed at computer people who want to enter the field of information systems and learn their different types of requirements, architectures, performance, techniques and tools so you can know when to use business intelligence, data mining, data science, databases , databases in memory or big data in order to have reliable, maintainable and scalable data intensive systems. Through 4 courses, you will cover [transactional relational databases, business intelligence and Data warehousing, NoSQL technologies, and reliable, scalable and maintainable data intensive applications that will prepare you for a specialized information system consultant or data scientist.

Applied Learning Project

Course 1: Project: a Book Store.

For this project, you will design, implement and query a transactional database system for a Book Store. The database system will contain books, authors, stores, and sales detail.

Course 2: Project: On-Line Analytical Processing of a Book Store

For this project, you will design and implement an analytical database. You will be able to program and execute OLAP queries to the data-warehouse

Course 3: NoSQL Systems

Project: Analysis of book sales on a NoSQL database

For this project you will design, implement and query a NoSQL Database system for a Book Store using MongoDB

Course 4: Recommendation system

For this project you will design a recommendation system for book reading and sales stored in a distributed parallel database.

Accredited byCoursera

Additional info
Provider typeacademic center
Synchronous / asynchronousasynchronous online course
Type of deliveryblended (practical training and lecture)
Length1 months at 10 hours a week
Dates availableanytime
Cost49 USD
Has certificateYES
Registration / Access controlYES
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