Analyzing climate change and health impacts with data science and alternative data sources

13 June 2024
09:00 - 12:00

Bilbao, Spain - Sala 3A Location


How are researchers using earth observation and other data to empower governments to better measure and prepare for the effects of a changing climate on public health? By using spatial analytics platforms to intersect such data with official data from administrative and survey sources, together we can provide decision-makers with timely, granular data that has the power to deliver national, regional, and global impact. The session will mix presentation, panel, and interactive sessions to highlight current work in the area from a data, talent, and technology perspective, while also putting a strong focus on partnerships and implementation paths for national offices and international agencies looking to further adopt such approaches.


Part 1 - Climate Change, Health and Vulnerable Groups

Part 2 - Climate Change, Health and Risk and new ways of measuring it