Data Science and SDG Localization

12 June 2024
09:00 - 12:15

Bilbao, Spain - Sala 5A Location


SDG localization involves implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at local or sub-national levels, considering the specific context, priorities, and challenges of individual communities. It includes translating the broad SDG targets and indicators into actionable strategies that can be effectively implemented at the grassroots level, often through partnerships among local governments, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. This approach allows communities to address pressing local issues while contributing to global sustainable development goals.

This session will explore experiences in integrating the SDGs into local communities and their policymaking processes, with a focus on climate change resilience, sustainable transport, and sustainable tourism. It will examine the practical challenges and opportunities of monitoring sustainable development locally, discussing strategies to use data science and innovative digital technologies to integrate statistical and geospatial data for informed decision-making at the local level. Through presentations and panel discussions, the session will also explore how mechanisms like Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) can help monitor and promote tangible progress at the grassroots level. Experts will share insights on developing tailored strategies and collaborative partnerships across sectors for effective SDG localization, offering concrete approaches for driving impactful SDG implementation within diverse local contexts.


Part 1 - SDG Localization
Moderator: Mr. Luis Gonzalez, UNSD

Part 2 - SDG Localization - Use cases
Moderator: Mr. Luis Gonzalez, UNSD

Part 3 - SDG Localization and Data Science