Informing Climate Change policies for Latin America and the Caribbean using AI and data innovation

11 June 2024
09:00 - 12:15

Bilbao, Spain - Sala 3A Location


This session showcases several multi-year projects: two in the Caribbean and one in Latin America. The purpose of these projects is ultimately to improve the formulation of evidence-based national and regional policies for climate change and trade. The projects should enhance the statistical and analytical capacities of selected Caribbean and Latin American states in utilizing data science and AI in combination with novel and national sources for the timely monitoring of maritime transport, tourism, trade, fisheries and ecosystem services related to the coastal areas and the analysis of their CO2 emissions, as well as the associated environmental-economic accounts.


Focus on Latin American policy priorities and data needs

Project of the IDB / Brazil Hub

Latin American - climate change-related activities and use of Big Data and Data Science

Focus on Caribbean policy priorities and data needs

DATAS and other projects for Caribbean SIDS

DA17 project for Caribbean SIDS

Addressing the policy priorities, data demands and data innovation in Caribbean SIDS