High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (HLG-PCCB)

The HLG-PCCB provides strategic leadership and guidance on the organization of the UN World Data Forum, including approval of its programme and outcomes, under the auspices of the United Nations Statistical Commission and in close consultation with Member States, international partners and the stakeholder community.

Institute of Statistics (INSTAT-Albania)

Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE-Angola)

Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC-Argentina)

Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB)

Institut de statistiques et d’études économiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU)

Institut national de la statistique (INS-Cameroun)

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS-China)

Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC-Ecuador)

Ghana Statistical Service (GSS)

National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic

Central Administration of Statistics (CAS-Lebanon)

Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI-México)

Haut-Commissariat au Plan (HCP-Maroc)

Statistics Norway

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS)

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

Statistics Poland

Statistical Office of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Samoa Bureau of Statistics

Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE-España)

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)

Office for National Statistics (ONS-UK)

Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)

* The Chair of the United Nations Statistical Commission is an ex-officio member of the HLG-PCCB.