The Technical
Subgroup (TSG) on the Movement of Persons - Mode 4 was established
by the Statistical Commission at its thirty-fifth session in 2004
Report of the Task Force on Trade in Services to the Statistical
Commission). The TSG consists of experts from international
organizations and national statistical offices. UNSD holds the Chair
and Secretariat of the group.
The objectives of the work of the Technical Subgroup
- Development of a conceptual framework for the measurement
of the Movement of Persons and, in particular, of Mode
- Proposals of indicators/variables which provide a measure
of the impact of the movement of persons in the host
and home countries;
- Preparation of data collection guidelines.
The TSG will work in close cooperation with international
organizations and existing expert groups to provide input in the
revision and update processes of economic and social statistics
standards, namely the revision of the IMF 5th Edition of the Balance
of Payments Manual (BPM5), the update of the 1993 System of National
Accounts (1993 SNA), the revision of the Tourism Satellite Accounts
(TSA) and the revision of the Census recommendations.
The framework for the measurement of the movement
of persons, currently being developed by the TSG, will serve
as a basis for