The United Nations Statistics Division is maintaining an archive
of relevant papers on Trade in Services. The archive comprises
papers on methods and country practices by international organizations
and countries. It is not a comprehensive archive. It is based
on contributions received from the agencies and countries members
of the UN Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services.
All papers are classified according to the categories i) Meetings
(when paper was presented at a meeting), ii) Country reports -
Surveys, iii) Country reports - Studies, iv) General papers methodology,
v) General papers - Implementation, vi) Statistics/Data and according
to the 4 Modes of Trade in Services.
Search for documents on Trade in Services can be done by using
the drop down menu.
Alternatively, you can enter one or more key words for title,
description or author.
The search function has the following options:
or search is the default (e.g. goods services or
goods or services). This finds documents containing either
goods or services;
and search (e.g. goods and services) This provides
documents containing goods and services;
not (e.g. goods not services) This provides documents
containing goods but not services;
phrases (e.g. "goods and services") This finds documents
containing the exact phrase goods and services.
Alternatively, you can use + for AND and - for NOT.