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Reference Documents

International agency documents
Country documents
Research documents

International agency documents


Offshore corporate services in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC - Nov 2008)
FDI in Latin America and the Caribbean 2009 (ECLAC - Jul 2010)


Trade in Services - Newsletter (Eurostat - Nov 2010)


Eurostat- OECD Manual on Business Demography Statistics (Eurostat-OECD - 2007)


G20 - Trade Finance Experts Group - April Report 2010 (G-20 - Apr 2010)


The Statistical Measurement of Services (OECD - Feb 2005)
Structural and Demographic Business Statistics (OECD - 2006)
21st Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers (OECD - Nov 2008)


MDG Gap Report 2010 (UN-DESA - 2010)
World Economic and Social Survey 2010 (UN-DESA)
World Economic and Social Prospects 2011_Pre-release (UN-DESA - 2010)
International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions (IMTS 2010) (Pre-edited version) - (UN-DESA)
Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services (MSITS 2010) (Unedited version)


NON-TARIFF MEASURES: Evidence from Selected Developing Countries and Future Research Agenda (UNCTAD - 2010)
The Green Economy - Trade and Sustainable Development implications (UNCTAD - Oct 2010)
Trade and Development Report 2010 (UNCTAD - 2010)
World Investment Report 2010 (UNCTAD - 2010)


Fourth Report on G20 Investment Measures (UNCTAD-OECD - Nov 2010)

   World Bank:

How Will Changes in Globalization Impact Growth in South Asia? - Ejaz Ghani & Rahul Anand (World Bank, Oct 2009)
Export Entrepreneurs - Evidence from Peru - Caroline Freund & Martha Denisse Pierola (World Bank, Aug 2010)
The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Off-farm Employment and Earnings in Rural China - Jikun Huang, Huayong Zhi, Zhurong Huang, Scott Rozelle & John Giles (World Bank, Oct 2010)
List of WTI Indicators - (World Bank, 2009/2010)


International Supply Chains and Trade Elasticity in Times of Global Crisis – Hubert Escaith, Nannette Lindenberg and Sebastien Miroudot (WTO - Feb 2010)
Facts and Fictions in International Trade Economics – Speech by Pascal Lamy (WTO - Apr 2010)
World Input – Output Database Conference on Industry-Level Analyses of Globalization and its Consequences – Speech by Alejandro Jara (WTO - May 2010)
Globalization and trade flows: what you see is not what you get – Andreas Maurer and Christophe Degain (WTO – Jun 2010)
Globalization of the Industrial Production Chains and Measuring International Trade in Value Added - Speech by Pascal Lamy(WTO - Oct 2010)

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Country documents

Brazil - Institutional Arrangement (Dec 2008)
Brazil - Services Classification - Notes
Brazil - Services Classification
Brazil - Trade in Services 2010 - Notes
Brazil - Trade in Services 2010
Canada - Analytical_Report_CAW-en (Sep 2006)
Canada - FDI-Inward-Stocks-Major-Partner-ENG (Apr 2010)
Canada - FDI-Outward-Stocks-Major-Partner-ENG (April 2010)
Canada - GVC approach to Apparel (March 2008)
Canada - NG_Annual_Trade_in_Services_by_Country (May 2010)
Canada - Pfact_ENG_Services (May 2010)
Canada - State of Trade 2010 (2010)
Canada - World_Annual (2010)
Denmark - International Sourcing
India - BOP External Trade
India - External Trade
India - External Trade 2
India - G20 after the crises - an Indian perspective (Oct 2010)
India - Impact of financial crisis (Nov 2010)
India - Statistics (Nov 2010)
Italy - Foreign trade Oct 2010 (Nov 2010)
Italy - Integrated system of Business micro-data (Nov 2009)
Italy - Italy in the World Economy (2010)
Netherlands - Export Radar Explanatory Notes
Netherlands - Internationalisation Monitor 2010
USA - BEA - International Services (Oct 2010)
USA - ITA - FDI (Jul 2008)
USA - ITA - Promoting Competitiveness (Nov 2008)
USA - ITC - Basic Trends in US Services Trade (Jun 2010)
USA - ITC - Small and medium sized enterprises (Jan 2010)
USA - ITC - Small and medium sized enterprises (Jul 2010)
USA - ITC - Small and medium sized enterprises (Nov 2010)

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Research documents

The Global Apparel Value Chain, Trade and the Crisis – Challenges and opportunities for developing countries – Gary Gereffi and Stacey Fredericks (World Bank papers - Apr 2010)
Value chains, networks and clusters: reframing the global automotive industry - Timothy Sturgeon, Johannes Van Biesebroeck and Gary Gereffi (Journal of Economic Geography (2008) - Apr 2008)
Effects of the Crisis on the Automotive Industry in Developing Countries: A Global Value Chain Perspective - Timothy J. Sturgeon and Johannes Van Biesebroeck (World Bank Papers - Jun 2010)
Prospects for Canada in the NAFTA Automotive Industry: A Global Value Chain Analysis - Timothy Sturgeon, Johan van Biesebroeck and Gary Gereffi (Paper prepared for Industry Canada - Mar 2007)
Measuring success in the global economy: international trade, industrial upgrading, and business function outsourcing in global value chains – Timothy Sturgeon and Gary Gereffi (Transnational Corporations, Vol 18, No. 2 - Aug 2009)
Compressed Development in East Asia - Hugh Whittaker, Tianbiao Zhu, Timothy Sturgeon, Mon Han Tsai and Toshie Okita (ITEC Working paper - Dec 2007)
The Governance of Global Value Chains – Gary Gereffi, John Humphrey and Timothy Sturgeon (Review of International Political Economy, February 2005)
Global Value Chains in the Electronics Industry: Was the Crisis a Window of Opportunity for Developing Countries? – Timothy Sturgeon and Momoko Kawakami (World Bank papers - Sep 2010)
Getting the Numbers Right: International Engineering Education in the United States, China, and India – Gary Gereffi, Vivek Wadhwa, Ben Rissing and Ryan Ong (Journal of Engineering Education - Jan 2008)
Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Cars: the US value chains – Marcy Lowe, Saori Tokuoka, Tali Trigg and Gary Gereffi (Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness, Duke University- Octw 2010)
The Offshore Services Value Chain, Developing Countries and the Crisis – Gary Gereffi and Karina Fernandez-Stark (World bank Papers - Apr 2010)
The New Offshoring of Jobs and Global Development – Gary Gereffi (ILO Social Policy Lectures - Dec 2005)
The globalization of innovation: Pharmaceuticals – Vivek Wadhwa, Ben Rissing, Gary Gereffi, John Trumpbour and Pete Engardio (Global Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Duke University - Jun 2008)

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