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International Trade in Services Section
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    UN Expert Group on Tourism Statistics (EGTS)
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  Methodology DTS
  International cooperation and workshops (DTS)
  UN Expert Group on DTS
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  International cooperation and workshops (BES)

Global Forum on Trade Statistics
organized jointly by UNSD and Eurostat in collaboration with WTO and UNCTAD

2-4 February 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

Thursday 3 Feb 2011, Afternoon Session, 14:30 - 17:30

Relevant background documents

How Will Changes in Globalization Impact Growth in South Asia? - Ejaz Ghani & Rahul Anand (World Bank, Oct 2009)
Globalization and trade flows: what you see is not what you get – Andreas Maurer and Christophe Degain (WTO – Jun 2010)
Globalization of the Industrial Production Chains and Measuring International Trade in Value Added - Speech by Pascal Lamy(WTO - Oct 2010)
Denmark - International Sourcing
Effects of the Crisis on the Automotive Industry in Developing Countries: A Global Value Chain Perspective - Timothy J. Sturgeon and Johannes Van Biesebroeck (World Bank Papers - Jun 2010)
Measuring success in the global economy: international trade, industrial upgrading, and business function outsourcing in global value chains – Timothy Sturgeon and Gary Gereffi (Transnational Corporations, Vol 18, No. 2 - Aug 2009)
Global Value Chains in the Electronics Industry: Was the Crisis a Window of Opportunity for Developing Countries? – Timothy Sturgeon and Momoko Kawakami (World Bank papers - Sep 2010)
The globalization of innovation: Pharmaceuticals – Vivek Wadhwa, Ben Rissing, Gary Gereffi, John Trumpbour and Pete Engardio (Global Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Duke University - Jun 2008)