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Global Forum on Trade Statistics
organized jointly by UNSD and Eurostat in collaboration with WTO and UNCTAD

2-4 February 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

Friday 4 Feb 2011, Morning Session, 9:30 - 12:30

AXEL BEHRENS (Chairperson)
  Axel Behrens is Head of Unit for International Transactions Statistics at Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union. He graduated in Economics at the University of Konstanz. After that he completed a doctorate in International Economics at the University of Kiel. Since 1995 he has been working in different departments of Eurostat.

  What can we learn from the link between trade and SBS statistics?: The Italian experience
ISTAT has a long and consolidated experience in the set up and development of official statistics and analytical tools based on the micro level link between foreign trade and SBS statistics. This paper aims to describe the methodological issues as well as the IT database approach involved in the design and set up of a consistent and fully integrated statistical framework, based on the micro level data integration between SBS and trade data. It also highlights the informative potential of this approach in developing new statistics and analytical tools. These include statistics on foreign trade operators, statistics on the structure and activities of exporting and importing enterprises, statistics on export flows classified by functional territorial units (LLM, local labour markets), set up of panel datasets on exporting and importing companies, databases finalised to the analysis of Global Value Chains.   
  Dr. Stefano Menghinello (Ph.d) is the head of Foreign Trade and MNEs Statistics Division, ISTAT, Italy, and member of the Board of the OECD WP Globalisation of the industry. Dr. Menghinello has more than 10 years of experience in the production of official statistics in the foreign trade and SBS domains. His papers have been published in leading national and international journals on applied economics. 

  This presentation will show how Trade and Business Statistics are linked in Brazil. It covers the sources of the foreign trade statistics databases, enterprise size by exports, the quality assurance procedures and the dissemination report. Finally, it will show how the micro-data can be accessed. 
  Mr. Pavao is a graduate of Economics and has been working in foreign trade since 1979, always in the area of statistics. He is currently General Coordinator of Statistics Production for Brazilian foreign trade.

Mr. Pavao is member of the UNSD Expert Group since 1996 and has directly participated in drafting the IMTS Rev. 2 (1998), the Compilers Manual (2000) and more recently, the IMTS Rev. 3. He is also member of, as a focal point, and National Counselor of the Monitoring Group of the Mercosur Trade, Technical Committee No. 06 of the MERCOSUR and ALADI RECOMEX representative. He is responsible for the Brazilian Coordination for all Harmonization Statistics Group with several countries (China, Argentina, Chile, France, USA, Philippines, among the principal).  

  Who trades services across the Austrian border? – Providing structural information on basis of micro data on trade in services
In 2006, Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) introduced a survey system for compiling balance of payments statistics in close cooperation with Statistics Austria. Although the two institutions adopted own calculations and estimations the switch from the prior settlement system implied new reporting duties for the economy on a broad scale. In turn OeNB offered to provide both enterprises and the Chamber of Commerce with detailed information about the foreign economy at no additional costs.

Especially basic information on trade in services was lacking at that time. Thanks to the new micro data, which the survey system implied, OeNB was able to build a link to business register information as well as to the Structural Business Survey in Austria. The outcome, which was first published in 2009, shed some light on the factors that drive Austrian trade in services and was highly welcomed by both politicians and the business.   
  Since 2001, Dr. Patricia Walter has been working at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank in the area of balance of payments.  In 2000, she joined the research department at the Vienna Stock Exchange.  Dr. Walter studied economics at Leopold-Franzens-Universitiy in Innsbruck (doctoral thesis on transition economies in 1999). 

  Trade microdata can provide many valuable insights to inform key policy questions and contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of international trade and business demography. Moreover, linking trade statistics to data on enterprise characteristics can be used to improve trade in value added measures. The presentation summarises the experiences of OECD member countries in disaggregating trade values along enterprise characteristics and provides an overview of the OECD-Eurostat Trade by Characteristics (TEC) database and its possible future developments.  
  Sónia Araújo works at the OECD Statistics Directorate, where she is in charge of developing Globalisation Indicators. She is currently working on linking trade data with enterprise characteristics and on multinational business groups. Previously she has worked in the OECD Economics Department, where she analysed how public policies impact on infrastructure investment, and in the OECD Investment Division, where she assessed Foreign Direct Investment guarantees and political risk insurance programmes in OECD countries.  

  Eurostat will present reflections, from the EU point of view, on the integration of business and international trade in goods and services statistics. This also includes a rebalancing of the detail on goods and services statistics. The final target would be a data warehouse approach centred around the business register. Such an approach should be based on the consistent use of the classifications NACE and CPA, which are the European counterparts to ISIC and CPC. Adopting such a strategy would have a significant impact on international trade statistics, which will be discussed.
  MSc in Mathematics (1979), Statistics strand, at the Faculty of Science (Lisbon University). Ms. Figueira began her professional career as an Assistant Lecturer for Mathematics and Statistics at the Lisbon Technical University until she joined the European Commission in 1987. Since then she worked for several years as an administrator in Eurostat for price and balance of payments statistics. As of 2000 she has successively occupied, the post of Assistant to the Director General for nearly three years, then the post of Head of Unit of Balance of Payments that she cumulated for two years with the post of acting Director of National and European Accounts. Ms. Figueira is currently Director of Eurostat's Directorate G – Business Statistics.

  In a rapidly changing world, policy makers and the public at large have new, additional questions about international trade. What kind of enterprises are trading, who is successful and why, what are the effects of international trade on productivity, prosperity and employment? This presentation shows how Statistics Netherlands deals with these questions, presents some results and describes the organizational arrangements.
  Bert Kroese has studied mathematics and got a PhD in mathematical statistics at Groningen University. He worked two years as a consultant and researcher in a agricultural institute (DLO) before he joined Statistics Netherlands in 1996. There he has been responsible for various research programs and statistical departments. At present he is director of the Division of Macro-economic Statistics and Dissemination. He is in charge of the large 'HEcS' program at Statistics Netherlands redesigning the whole system of economic statistics.

  Art Ridgeway has been the Director General of the System of National Accounts since October of 2007. In his 30 plus year career at Statistical Canada Art has been in charge of the Balance of Payments and Public Sector Statistics and the Consumer Price Index.

Art was a member of the IMF’s Balance of Payments Committee, which oversees concepts and methods for international accounts. The major work of the committee during Art tenure was the revision of Balance of Payments Manual in conjunction with the revision to SNA manual.

More recently Art has been working on the impacts of globalization, and in particular global supply chains, on the macroeconomic accounts. Art is currently vice-chair of a joint UNECE\OECD\Eurostat Expert Group on the Impacts of Globalization on the National Accounts. The group is addressing impacts from trade in goods, services, foreign direct investment and the movement of persons and is schedule to publish guidance on these issues in 2011.

  The need to adopt new international standards for international trade in goods and services statistics provides an opportunity to move away from the status quo towards a more integrated approach. This presentation will outline two ways in which Statistics New Zealand is beginning to do this as we expand the scope of the international trade in services statistics we provide. Firstly, our redesigned international trade in services survey will include a section on cross-cutting trade and sales related services, which are expected to provide an insight into the globalisation of New Zealand enterprises. Secondly, the microdata from this survey will be integrated into the Statistics NZ Longitudinal Business Database (LBD). I will introduce the database and summarise the large array of information it contains from many different sources. 
  Matthew Haigh is the project manager for international commerce and development in the Balance of Payments team at Statistics New Zealand. In addition to managing the introduction of new international standards, this involves coordinating the quarterly BoP and IIP release, with a focus on trade in goods and services. 

  As outcome and follow-up to the Forum, it is proposed to produce a Handbook on International Trade and Global Business Statistics. This Handbook will cover those issues on international trade and enterprise statistics in the global context which are not directly treated in the compilation guides of IMTS, SITS or BOP, and will make use of the guidance offered in the work on FATS, FDI and Business Registers. The Handbook will be practical and contain country practices and specific compilation advice.  
  Mr. Ronald Jansen became Chief of the Trade Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) on 1 August 2010. In his current position he is responsible for statistics of international trade in goods and services and tourism statistics. Prior to that, he was chief of the Capacity Development section of UNSD and before that worked for many years in the area of international trade statistics, of which 6 years in Geneva.

Mr. Jansen studied Statistics and Psychology at the University of Groningen, taught Statistics at the University of Nijmegen and obtained there a PhD in mathematical modeling of human information processing. He works for the United Nations Statistics Division since June 1990.