The Global Forum website tries to keep track of the ever changing landscape of trade analysis, measurement of trade and trade statistics. The site keeps a database of links to over 150 relevant publications, reports, articles and speeches.


The full list of featured publications can be found HERE.


Poverty Alleviation Through Tourism - A Compilation of Good Practices

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2006

With a view to further support governments and other institutions in their endeavours, UNWTO has produced this publication in the series on Tourism and Poverty Alleviation, including concrete examples of private or public tourism projects and operations that have been presented by UNWTO Member States as good, sustainable practices in poverty reduction through tourism. In total, 26 cases were received from 20 countries. The seven approaches, set up in the previous publication “Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: Recommendations for Action”, have been used to facilitate a more accurate description of the mechanisms that contribute to poverty reduction:Employment of the poor in tourism enterprises, Supply of goods and services to tourism enterprises by the poor or by enterprises employing the poor, direct sales of goods and services to visitors by the poor (informal economy), Establishment and running of tourism enterprises by the poor - e.g. micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), or community based enterprises (formal economy), tax or levy on tourism income or profits with proceeds benefiting the poor, Voluntary giving/support by tourism enterprises and tourists, Investment in infrastructure stimulated by tourism also benefiting the poor in the locality, directly or through support to other sectors. more »

The Day After Tomorrow

A Handbook on the Future of Economic Policy in the Developing World
Otaviano Canuto Marcelo Giugale 2010
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The global financial crisis of 2008–09 changed not only the global economic order, but also the way we think about that order. Principles and practices that were once accepted wisdom are now in doubt or discredited. New and fundamental questions have opened. And the search for answers has barely begun. For the countries of the developing world, this conceptual uncertainty is particularly uncomfortable—through a combination of good policies and good luck, they had begun to achieve real progress. Will all that now be derailed? What does the new horizon hold for them?... more »

Tourism and Poverty Alleviation Recommendations for Action

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2004

Poverty alleviation has become an essential condition for peace, environmental conservation and sustainable development, besides being an ethical obligation in an affluent world, where the divide between poor and rich nations seems to have increased in recent years. At the same time, while international and domestic tourist movements continue to grow, there is stronger evidence that tourism, if developed and managed in a sustainable manner, can make a significant contribution to alleviate poverty, especially in rural areas, where most of the poor live and where there are very few other development options. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) is pleased to offer to the international community, and especially to those people and institutions who take decisions in the field of tourism or that indirectly affect tourism, this second publication in a series on Tourism and Poverty Alleviation. The first one, launched on the occasion of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in August 2002, examined a number of cases where tourism has been fundamental in reducing poverty levels in various countries. The present book provides further evidence of the contribution that tourism can make to achieving one of the most pressing UN Millenium Development Goals: alleviating poverty. Based on a more extensive analysis of successful experiences, it gives clear and practical recommendations - to governments, private tourism companies, international and bilateral development agencies and other stakeholders - on the various ways and means they can utilize to use tourism as a poverty alleviation tool. more »

Tourism, Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2005

Tourism can contribute to the fight against poverty in developing countries, and more specifically in the least developed countries. However, this potential is closely linked to the accessibility of financing sources. With the aim of finding solutions to the numerous problems involved in the financing of tourism development initiatives especially for small enterprises and microbusinesses in developing countries, the WTO in conjunction with PlaNet Finance, a leading microcredit institution, is studying the possibilities of adapting microcredit to the specific needs of the tourism sector. This report presents recommendations for small tourism enterprises and microbusinesses as well as microfinance institutions, with the objective of bringing them together and thus stimulate tourism development that benefits the poor. This report encourages governments and MFIs to adapt lending terms to the specific characteristics of tourism activity and poor populations. more »