The Global Forum website tries to keep track of the ever changing landscape of trade analysis, measurement of trade and trade statistics. The site keeps a database of links to over 150 relevant publications, reports, articles and speeches.


The full list of featured publications can be found HERE.


Firm Level Analysis of International Trade in Services

Patricia Walter Rene Dell’mour 2010

Balance of payments statistics serve as the common basis for analyzing cross-border trade in services, providing information about exports and imports by individual countries or by economic or monetary areas, specified by service categories and partner countries... more »

Firm Level Analysis of Trade in Services Statistics

The Case of Austria
Patricia Walter 2009

Balance of payments statistics serve as the common basis for analyzing cross-border trade in services, providing information about exports and imports by individual countries or by economic or monetary areas, specified by service categories and partner countries. However, balance of payments statistics do not deliver insight into the facts that determine trade flows as it is not countries who trade services but corporations... more »

New Perspectives and New Data for the Empirical Analysis of the Globalisation of the Industry

Stefano Menghinello 2011

Do you think this project is relevant for both analytical purposes and policy implications? Which is the best way to achieve consistent and internationally comparable empirical results based on national level micro analysis? Do you plan to joint this project, even over time and with intermediate goals (simplified dataset)?... more »

Why buyers matter

Andrew B. Bernard Andreas Moxnes Karen-Helene Ulltveit-Moe 2013

Discussions of international trade often focus on aggregate trade flows, but it is firms that trade, not countries. This column presents evidence from Norwegian export data showing that larger exporters have more customers and greater dispersion in customer size. Moreover, exporters with many customers tend to sell to importers with few suppliers. These stylised facts are captured by a model in which finding a buyer is costly. The model’s prediction that export responses are amplified in destinations with less buyer dispersion is confirmed in the data. more »