The Global Forum website tries to keep track of the ever changing landscape of trade analysis, measurement of trade and trade statistics. The site keeps a database of links to over 150 relevant publications, reports, articles and speeches.


The full list of featured publications can be found HERE.


External Trade Statistics by Enterprise Characteristics 2009

Statistics Turkey 2010

There were 47 352 enterprises in exports, 51 627 in imports. For exports, the proportion of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME’s) which had 0-249 employees, was 59,8% and 40,1% for imports. In 2009, the rate of micro enterprises (0 -9 employees) was 17,3%, small enterprises (10- 49 employees) was 25,1%, medium-sized enterprises (50-249 employees) was 17,4% and large enterprises (250+) was 39,8% in exports... more »

External Trade Statistics by Enterprise Characteristics 2011

Statistics Turkey 2011

International trade statistics are among the most consulted statistics by public and private users. Throughout their long history, their basic character has remained unchanged. Their purpose is to answer questions like “which products countries are importing from or exporting to other countries?” However, it has been more difficult to reply a question “what kind of businesses are behind these trade flows?” Trade statistics do not present by nature any explicit information on the characteristics of traders... more »