The Global Forum website tries to keep track of the ever changing landscape of trade analysis, measurement of trade and trade statistics. The site keeps a database of links to over 150 relevant publications, reports, articles and speeches.


The full list of featured publications can be found HERE.


Slicing Up Global Value Chains

Abdul Azeez Eru Bart Los Robert Stehrer Marcel Timmer Gaaitzen de Vries 2011

In this paper we provide a new metric for the contributions of countries to global value chains. It is based on an input-output analysis of vertically integrated industries, taking into account trade in intermediate inputs within and across countries. The value of global manufacturing output is allocated to labour and capital employed in various regions in the world… more »

WIOD Project Nov 2009

Robert Stehrer 2009

A powerpoint presentation on The World Input-Output Database (WIOD) Project presented by Robert Stehrer from the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. The project is funded under the 7th Framework Programme. The project started in May 2009 with prospective end in April 2012... more »