The Global Forum website tries to keep track of the ever changing landscape of trade analysis, measurement of trade and trade statistics. The site keeps a database of links to over 150 relevant publications, reports, articles and speeches.


The full list of featured publications can be found HERE.


Business Dynamics Statistics Briefing

Where have all the young firms gone?
John Haltiwanger Ron Jarmin Javier Miranda 2012

The Census Bureau’s Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS)2 provides data on business dynamics for U.S. firms and establishments with paid employees.This briefing highlights some key features of the most recent BDS update, which now has data through 2010. As the most complete public-use dataset allowing for the analysis of business dynamics in the United States, the BDS is a key source of knowledge about the changing state, as well as the national, economy... more »

Global Trade in Services: Fear, Facts and Offshoring

Bradford Jensen 2011
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The service sector is large and growing. Additionally, international trade in services is growing rapidly. Yet there is a dearth of empirical research on the size, scope and potential impact of services trade. The underlying source of this gap is well-known—official statistics on the service sector in general, and trade in services in particular, lack the level of detail available for the manufacturing sector in many dimensions... more »

Measuring Globalization: The Experience of the United States of America


As the term is usually employed, "globalization" implies that not only has consumption been internationalized through cross-border trade in goods and services, but production also has been internationalized through foreign direct investment.1 In discussions relating to statistical indicators of globalization, it is commonly taken for granted that data on cross-border trade will be available, and so the attention is focused on information relating to the operations of direct investment enterprises, or affiliates… more »

Recent Trends in US Services Trade

2010 Annual Report
Samantha Brady Erick Oh 2010
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Recent Trends in U.S. Services Trade, 2010 Annual Report focuses principally on infrastructure services (banking, electricity, insurance, retailing, securities, and telecommunications), which are consumed by every firm irrespective of economic sector. The largest infrastructure service firms are located in developed countries and offer their services globally through cross-border trade and affiliate transactions. Economic growth in developing countries around the world continues to create new opportunities for expansion and investment by infrastructure service firms... more »

The Longtitudinal Business Database


As the largest federal statistical agency and primary collector of data on businesses, households and individuals, the Census Bureau each year conducts numerous surveys intended to provide statistics on a wide range of topics about the population and economy of the United States. The Census Bureau’s decennial population and quinquennial economic censuses are unique, providing information on all U.S. households and business establishments, respectively... more »

The U.S. Ecotourism Market

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2002

The year 2002 was declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Ecotourism. For this occasion, the WTO prepared a series of market reports with the aim to increase the knowledge of seven important countries considered “Ecotourism generating markets”. The survey: analyzes and evaluates the nature tourism and ecotourism market, its volume, characteristics, major trends and development profiles. The study also reports on consumer profiles, the role of the different marketing actors, product typologies and the main marketing tools used in the market. more »

Towards Unrestricted Public Use Business Microdata

The Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database

Many national statistical agencies collect data on business establishments; however, very few disseminate establishment-level data as unrestricted public use _les. Instead, they disseminate business data in highly aggregated forms, such as the County Business Patterns and the Business Dynamics Statistics released by the U. S. Census Bureau or the Business Employment Dynamics released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.1 The dearth of establishment level data stems from requirements, both legal and practical, to protect the confidentiality of establishments' data... more »

U.S. International Services

Cross-Border Trade in 2009 and Services Supplied Through Affiliates in 2008
Jennifer Koncz-Bruner Anne Flatness 2010

THE BUREAU of Economic Analysis (BEA) takes a broad perspective of U.S. international sales and purchases of services in this article by presenting information on (1) services that cross borders and are included in the international transactions accounts as exports and imports and (2) services supplied by multinationals’ affiliates through the channel of direct investment. This approach acknowledges the extent to which multinational companies (MNCs) provide services using affiliates located in—but owned outside of—the markets that they serve… more »

What Tourism Managers Need to Know

a practical guide to the development and use of indicators of sustainable tourism
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 1997

A product of five years of ground-breaking research, What Tourism Managers Need to Know sets out a system for measuring the environmental health of destinations, so that tourism can be sustainable. Like a canary in a coal mine, environmental indicators are used as an early warning system to alert authorities of areas of concern so that action can be taken in time. This publication explains how to use 10 core environmental indicators and a series of site-specific indicators for tourism destinations in coastal zones, mountain regions, traditional communities, and small islands. It also discusses pilot testing of the indicators carried out in Canada, Mexico, Argentina, the Netherlands, and the USA. more »