The Global Forum website tries to keep track of the ever changing landscape of trade analysis, measurement of trade and trade statistics. The site keeps a database of links to over 150 relevant publications, reports, articles and speeches.


The full list of featured publications can be found HERE.


G20 Trade Finance Experts Group April Report 2010

G-20 2010

The day-to-day international trade in goods and services is a vital part of a well functioning global economy. Given the large share of trade transactions involving some sort of credit, either insurance or guarantee, it is clear that trade finance provides the necessary liquidity and security to complete transactions between buyers and sellers around the globe. The financial crisis of 2008-2009 brought a worldwide shrinkage of available financing and a somewhat smaller decline… more »

Global Perspectives on the Seoul G-20 Summit

Think Tank 20 2010
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In November 2010, G-20 leaders meet in Seoul with Korea as the host—the first time that an emerging or newly industrialized country chairs the meeting. Opinion on what the G-20 has achieved since it started to meet at leaders’ level two years ago is divided. Many focus on the actual summit meetings and on the fact that it has been hard to achieve concrete agreement on key policy issues. No doubt the G-20 is also threatened by the syndrome of grand declarations with weak follow up that we already observed during G7 meetings in the past… more »

THE G20 SEOUL SUMMIT, Leader's Declaration

G-20 2010

1. We, the Leaders of the G20, are united in our conviction that by working together we can secure a more prosperous future for the citizens of all countries... more »