The Global Forum website tries to keep track of the ever changing landscape of trade analysis, measurement of trade and trade statistics. The site keeps a database of links to over 150 relevant publications, reports, articles and speeches.


The full list of featured publications can be found HERE.


International Sourcing

Moving Business Functions Abroad
Statistics Denmark Statistics Finland Statistics Netherlands Statistics Norway Statistics Sweden 2008
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The continuous globalisation of our economies confronts the national statistical offices with new challenges and user demands to measure new phenomena such as international sourcing. The increased fragmentation of the value chain resulting from the sourcing of business functions internationally is an important feature of the globalisation process... more »

Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia: current situation and future prospects

ESCAP 2010

The current global crisis has exposed the risk of overdependence of the region on trade and investments with developed markets. Developed markets still absorb around half of the region’s exports, notwithstanding the gains achieved in fostering intra-regional trade over the years. Thus, in a post-crisis scenario, the region is continuing with its strategy of diversifying markets, while recognizing that a full “decoupling” from developed countries is neither feasible over the short term, nor would it be desirable... more »

The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Off-farm Employment and Earnings in Rural China

Jikun Huang Huayong Zhi Zhurong Huang Scott Rozelle John Giles 2010

This paper examines the effect of the financial crisis on off-farm employment of China’s rural labor force. Using a national representative data set collected from across China, the paper finds that there was a substantial impact. By April 2009 the reduction in off-farm employment as a result of the crises was 6.8 percent of the rural labor force. Monthly earnings also declined… more »