Annual E-Learning Course on Statistics of International Trade in Services

Organized jointly by UNSD, UNCTAD, in cooperation with WTO

  • 6 September - 28 October 2021

This TrainForTrade e-learning course on SITS was developed and produced jointly by UNSD, UNCTAD and WTO in close collaboration with the Inter-Agency Task Force on International Trade Statistics. It is run annually.

The objective of the course is to provide more globally accessible and rather complete training material for those involved in the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of Statistics of International Trade in Services (SITS). That is, the course is annually organized to meet the needs for technical assistance in the compilation of SITS and contributes to address the aims of Goal 17 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This course was designed mainly for trade data compilers; however, users of trade data can also benefit from the course.

Main goals of the course are to enhance the capacity of trade statisticians to apply the most recent internationally agreed recommendations as contained in the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010); to define best possible data sources; to set up or enforce collection systems; and to strengthen statistical production processes. Furthermore, the course would raise awareness of SITS and its concepts, enhance statisticians’ capacity, and help them to better understand the MSITS 2010. In particular, the course focuses on the following topics: Main Concepts, Pre-requisites for Data Collection and Compilation, Data Sources and Collection, Data Compilation, and Dissemination and Analysis. It was designed mainly for trade data compilers; however, users of trade data can also benefit from the course. 

Week 1: 6 - 10 September

Module 1: Importance of Statistics on International Trade in Services & main concepts
  • Read the manual of Module 1 (21 pages) (PDF or EPUB)
  • Watch the video M1 (34 slides) 31"
  • Run quiz M1
  • Give your feedback on Module 1 (Opinion questionnaire)

Week 2: 13 September - 17 September

Module 2: Setting up pre-requisites for data collection and compilation
  • Read the manual of Module 2 (35 pages) (PDF or EPUB)
  • Watch the video M2 Part 1 & Part 2 (66 slides) 21"30' + 21"
  • Run quiz M2
  • Give your feedback on Module 2 (Opinion questionnaire)

Week 3: 20 September - 24 September

Module 3: Data sources and collection
  • Read the manual of Module 3 (35 pages) (PDF or EPUB)
  • Watch the video M3 Part 1 & Part 2 (61 slides) 23" + "19
  • Run quiz M3
  • Give your feedback on Module 3 (Opinion questionnaire)

Week 4: 27 September - 1 October

Module 4: Data compilation (BOP STIS)
  • Read the manual of Module 4 (39 pages) (PDF or EPUB)
  • Watch the video M4 (52 slides) 26"
  • Run quiz M4
  • Give your feedback on Module 4 (Opinion questionnaire)

Week 5: 4 - 8 October

Module 5: Data Compilation (FATS)
  • Read the manual of Module 5 (39 pages) (PDF or EPUB)
  • Watch the video M5 Part 1 & Part 2 (44 slides) 23" + 20"
  • Run quiz M5
  • Give your feedback on Module 5 (Opinion questionnaire)

Week 6: 11 - 15 October

Module 6: Dissemination and Analysis
  • Read the manual of Module 6 (39 pages) (PDF or EPUB)
  • Watch the video M6 (31 slides) 31"
  • Run quiz M6
  • Give your feedback on Module 6 (Opinion questionnaire)
  • Give your overall feedback on this course (Final opinion questionnaire)

Week 8: 28 October

90” Webinars based on the exchanges in the fora during the courses