Contact information
International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) Section
  International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)
  Methodology IMTS
  UN Expert Group on IMTS
Database UN Comtrade
  Data collection
Analytical tables/ publications(IMTS)
International cooperation and workshops (IMTS)
International Trade in Services Section
  Statistics of International Trade in Services (SITS)
  Methodology SITS
  Database UN ServiceTrade
    Data collection
  International cooperation and workshops (SITS)
    Task Force on SITS (TFSITS)
  Task Force (TFSITS) Newsletter
  Tourism Statistics
  International cooperation and workshops
    UN Expert Group on Tourism Statistics (EGTS)
Additional Activities
  Distributive Trade Statistics (DTS)
  Methodology DTS
  International cooperation and workshops (DTS)
  UN Expert Group on DTS
  Related Links
  Compilation of Basic Economic Statistics
  Economic Census
  International cooperation and workshops (BES)

Trade Statistics Branch

Calendar of Events 2006

Date Name Organizer


Date Name Organizer


Date Name Organizer
27 - 28 March 2006 The Seventh Meeting of the UNWTO Committee on Statistics and Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism, Madrid, Spain UNWTO


Date Name Organizer
3 - 5 April 2006 Inter-agency Task Force on International Merchandise Trade Statistics, Santiago, Chile WTO/ECLAC
17 - 19 April 2006 TFIMTS meeting, Rome, Italy WTO/FAO
20 - 21 April 2006

High Level Ad Hoc Group on Harmonized System Matters, Brussels, Belgium



Date Name Organizer


Date Name Organizer
12 - 15 June 2006 Workshop on compilation of international merchandise trade statistics, Douala, Cameroon UNSD/CEMAC
29 June - 1 July 2006 107/108 sessions of the World Customs Organization Council, Brussels, Belgium WCO



Date Name Organizer
10 - 12 July 2006 5th Andean Community Expert Meeting on Statistics of International Trade in Services in Lima, Peru Andean Community
17 - 20 July 2006 The International Workshop on Tourism Statistics, Madrid, Spain UNSD/UNWTO



Date Name Organizer



Date Name Organizer
11 - 14 September 2006 OECD 7th IMTS and SITS Expert Meeting, Paris, France, OECD/Eurostat OECD/Eurostat
10 - 12 September 2006 Mission to Saudi Arabia as part of the ESCWA project on international merchandise trade statistics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ESCWA/UNSD
13 - 16 September 2006 Mission to Yemen as part of the ESCWA project on international merchandise trade statistics, Yemen ESCWA/UNSD
17 - 19 September 2006 Mission to Kuwait as part of the ESCWA project on international merchandise trade statistics, Kuwait ESCWA/UNSD
26 - 27 September 2006 International Service Trade Conference, Beijing,P.R. of China Ministry of Commerce of China


Date Name Organizer
17 - 18 October 2006 ALADI's IX Technical Meeting of Government Agencies Responsible of Providing Statistical Information on External Trade (IXª RECOMEX) Montevideo, Uruguay
30 October – 1 November 2006 Regional workshop for CIS countries on the Use of Administrative Data in Economic Statistics, Moscow, Russian Federation UNSD/CISSTAT/ROSSTAT



Date Name Organizer



Date Name Organizer
5 - 6 December 2006 International Trade Data User conference in Washington DC, USA ITDU
12 - 15 December 2006 International workshop on Country Practices in Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics, Bangkok, Thailand, UNSD/ESCAP