International Workshop on Country Practices in Compilation of
International Merchandise Trade Statistics
12-15 December 2006, Bangkok
The workshop will review the country practices in compilation of international merchandise trade statistics (IMTS) in the regions of South and South-East Asia. This review will be guided by the country replies to the questionnaire on the National Compilation and Dissemination Practices (NCDP), which was sent out in July 2006. The questionnaire deals with a broad range of issues starting from institutional arrangements to reporting practices. In addition, current concepts, definitions and recommendations of IMTS, Rev.2 will be reviewed and discussed in light of the revisions of SNA93, BPM5, the Manual on SITS, the Kyoto convention and relevant economic classifications. Issues which will be covered are – among others - the boundary between goods and services, goods for processing abroad, and linkages between trade and business statistics.
List of Meeting Documents