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UNSD/ECA Workshop on Country Practices in Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics

12-16 November 2007, Addis Ababa

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), is organizing a regional workshop on compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS). This is part of a special effort to improve the quality and availability of IMTS data of countries of East and South Africa both to the national users and to the UN Comtrade database. Its presentations and discussions will center on the compilation of IMTS, especially regarding issues of current interest, such as (a) goods for processing [export processing zones], (b) re-exports, (c) CIF and FOB valuation of imports, and (d) calculation of export and import price indices.

The workshop will also discuss the results of the Questionnaire on National Compilation and Dissemination Practices (NCDP), which was sent out in July 2006 and which deals with the full scope of issues related to IMTS, including institutional arrangements, basic concepts and definitions, and data reporting practices.

Participants will be requested to prepare a presentation on country experiences related to specific topics and formulate suggestions on revising existing IMTS recommendations to better serve the needs of trade data compilers.

For further information contact:

Mr. Ronald Jansen
Chief of International Trade Statistics Section
Statistics Division
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Tel:    +1 212-963-5980