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27 February 2015
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Lunchtime Seminar on 

Towards a Transformative Agenda
for Official Statistics

2 March 2015,
1:15 - 2:30 pm
Venue: Conference Room 12 (CB)
United Nations, New York

The side event is organized by UNSD and Eurostat to further inform delegates and reflect on the outcome of the Global Conference on Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics in preparation of the discussion of the topic under agenda item 3 (a) (iv) of the United Nations Statistical Commission, at its 46th Session.

The Global Conference was jointly organized by UNSD and Eurostat, 15-16 January 2015, New York as a high-level forum of official statisticians with the objective of seeking a broad consensus on the transformative agenda for official statistics.

The Conference engaged in the discussion on how to strengthen and modernize statistical systems in order to respond not only to the regular requests for sound official statistics, but also to emerging needs, such as: those that arise from the post-2015 development agenda; data revolution that requires, inter alias, embracing new ICT developments and the use of non-traditional data sources; and the need for an integrated statistics approach and a shared standard business architecture for efficiency gains.

The Conference identified five main thematic areas of work to address the demands for a more efficient functioning of statistical systems: i) coordination of the global statistical system; ii) communication and advocacy; iii) data collection, processing and dissemination through integrated statistical systems; iv) innovative methods, tools and IT infrastructure, including standards based production architecture; and v) capacity building.

The report on the outcome of the Global Conference is available at:

All documents of the Global Conference on the Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics are available at:

Follow @UNStats on Twitter and the hashtag #NewAgenda4Stats


United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and Eurostat

Ivo Havinga, Assistant Director, United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
Ms. Mariana Kotzeva, Deputy Director General, Eurostat



Open discussion