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Statistical Units

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Description of the issue

One of the challenges brought about by the rapidly changing nature of production and particular the ways in which enterprises produce goods and services has cast a spotlight on the SNA’s preference for the use of the establishment as the preferred unit to compile industrial statistics, and in particular, supply and use tables.

The Advisory Expert Group (AEG) on National Accounts also discussed the issue of Statistical Units at its 10th meeting. Further information on this issue is available at:

To investigate this issue, an ISWGNA Task Force on Statistical Units has been established.

The Task Force on Statistical Units (TFSU) has been established to take stock of the 2008 SNA recommendations on statistical units (including institutional units), and to reflect on whether or not the recommendations on statistical units need to be adjusted in the future. The Task Force is expected to provide a clear view of what needs to be measured in the economy in order to identify ways to improve the definitions, if necessary, and taking into consideration: current country practices; regional accounts as well as productivity measurement.

More information on the Task Force and other relevant materials are available in the below links:

Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Statistical Units

Some Notes on Statistical Units

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